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Visual Studio


Great Reads

by Marc Clifton
Some tips on writing a decent article.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Explains misconceptions about timing in Windows.
by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to integrate SAP business data like customer data into SharePoint 2010 using Business Connectivity Services (BCS) and LINQ to SAP.

Latest Articles

by Metaconta
You can have a small home automation system controlling the serial port and a PIC microcontroller.
by Alex Marbus
Ethernet connections
by Marc Clifton
Some tips on writing a decent article.
by Silviu Gologan
Learn how to deploy an application on a Smartphone

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Visual Studio 

6 Dec 2012 by Marc Clifton
Some tips on writing a decent article.
12 Apr 2012 by Joseph M. Newcomer
Explains misconceptions about timing in Windows.
21 Nov 2011 by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
25 Nov 2011 by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to integrate SAP business data like customer data into SharePoint 2010 using Business Connectivity Services (BCS) and LINQ to SAP.
25 Nov 2011 by Lalith Gallage
Thought of the day web part for SharePoint 2010 server
10 Apr 2012 by rob tillaart
A line printer daemon in C#
12 Apr 2012 by Mauricio Ritter
This article is a how-to guide to using SQL Server adapters in BizTalk Server 2004. It'll show how to configure the ports, messages, and orchestrations to use this BizTalk resource.
12 Apr 2012 by _ABHILASH_MS_
An introduction to BizTalk Server.
12 Apr 2012 by Selvan
Biztalk 2006 Engine –few interesting improvements
12 Apr 2012 by briberry
Troubleshooting Schemas, Maps and Pipelines can be difficult, unless you know and understand the wealth of tools available within and without Visual Studio .NET
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Adnan Ahmed
Creating and deploying an Event Handler Feature, which can be activated on Web or Site, Site Collection, Web Application or Farm Level
12 Apr 2012 by naveedullah
This article describes the concepts and steps needed to create a multilingual publishing site in MOSS
12 Apr 2012 by Formation Technology
This tool provides a quick way for SharePoint Administrators to build and populate a portal by replicating a file structure and its contents. It can migrate a large folder structure into a SharePoint website. Each folder appears in SharePoint as an "area"...
12 Apr 2012 by razi bin rais
A look at the Windows SharePoint Services & SharePoint Server 2003 architecture.
12 Apr 2012 by walera
First article of a series to help developers develop SharePoint Applications, guide to set up a SharePoint test enviroment
12 Apr 2012 by Sabeer Mohammed
This article explains the steps to create and configure a Managed Property in MOSS 2007 Advanced Search
12 Apr 2012 by vivekthangaswamy
Migrating Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 applications to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
12 Apr 2012 by Gavin Sinai
Four important aspects of SharePoint 2007 Web Part development
12 Apr 2012 by Md. Marufuzzaman
How to create your first SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package - part 1
12 Apr 2012 by Suvendu Banik
How to Restore SQL Server 2005 Suspect Database
12 Apr 2012 by prabhu.subbiah
To compress a SQL Server report which allows the user to download the report in Zip format.
12 Apr 2012 by Garth Tissington
After pulling my hair out for several days I finally figured out how to install and configure SQLCE with SQL Server for replication to a Windows CE device. I hope this saves you some pain
12 Apr 2012 by Tony Truong
Taking advantage of the Winlogon Notification Package
12 Apr 2012 by Sachin R Sangoi
Are you considering a move to 64-bit Windows? Read on...
12 Apr 2012 by Sameers (theAngrycodeR )
An article on Changing the Windows Environment setting using Registry
12 Apr 2012 by Anup Shinde
This article is intended for network administrators and internet users. It shows how users can bypass the firewall to get access to the restricted internet sites. This article is just an overview and does not cover the technical details.
12 Apr 2012 by
This article will give beginners in network a simple Security strategy for network security for their small businesses and home use. These ideas were developed for our own small business network.
12 Apr 2012 by Balamurali Balaji
How to use the Logic Inspector tool in Infopath Forms 2007.
12 Apr 2012 by Lubna Luxmi Chowdhry
Cluster is a term meaning independent computers combined into a unified system through software and networking. Clusters are typically used for High Availability for greater reliability or High Performance Computing to provide greater computational power than a single computer can provide.
18 Apr 2012 by Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article presents a JScript/WMI/WSH script - the core of any inventory management application.
24 Apr 2012 by Silviu Gologan
Learn how to deploy an application on a Smartphone
12 Apr 2012 by Stephane Rodriguez.
Case studies why Microsoft Office XML formats are broken.
12 Apr 2012 by Joseph M. Newcomer
A discussion on the working size of your executable, and why you shouldn't believe those numbers PView or task manager tell you.
12 Apr 2012 by Santosh Benjamin
This article explains how to use the Context object, a key part of the BizUnit framework.
12 Apr 2012 by VGirish
Retrieves the Computer names in a network and their corresponding IP addresses
12 Apr 2012 by nhgiang
Using network classes.
25 Nov 2011 by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
12 Apr 2012 by vivekthangaswamy
An article about how Forms Authentication is enabled in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
12 Apr 2012 by tanvon malik
This article shows you ways to run Control Panel applets from VC++, even those that don't have a cpl extension file.
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Adnan Ahmed
How to encrypt the database password field, registry information and query string.
12 Apr 2012 by Sameers (theAngrycodeR )
Setting up IIS and PWS so that it recognises full domain names as belonging to your machine.
12 Apr 2012 by MJ Ferdous
How to customize New or Edit Form (NewForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx). How to make multiple custom edit form for different item status. How to link those Forms with the list item by creating custom link column
30 Aug 2022 by Metaconta
You can have a small home automation system controlling the serial port and a PIC microcontroller.
12 Apr 2012 by fraudlabs
solution to prevent chargebacks and to reduce fraud for online merchants