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by Espen Harlinn
Cyber warfare: It’s a brave new world
by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost

Latest Articles

by Member 10510822
In this article you can access single database in both desktop and web application with web service
by Espen Harlinn
Cyber warfare: It’s a brave new world
by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, and end-to-end SEO guide

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4 May 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Cyber warfare: It’s a brave new world
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
21 Nov 2011 by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
25 Nov 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
25 Nov 2011 by Shivprasad koirala
8 Steps to create workflows using SharePoint designer
25 Nov 2011 by Hossein Ghahvei Araghi
An introduction to SharePoint products and technologies.
25 Nov 2011 by Dietmar Kurok
Showing People grouped by departments in an own style (XSLT) and without limits in count of results and paging. Only intensively using build-in Webparts.
25 Nov 2011 by Syed Adnan Ahmed
This article describes step by step details of how to install and configure SharePoint Server 2010 RTM
12 Apr 2012 by Jakob Flygare
This article shows how to use the ASP.NET TreeView control in SharePoint.
12 Apr 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
In the previous session of SharePoint article we had discussed about the basics of SharePoint. In this session
12 Apr 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
SharePoint Quick Start FAQ - Part 4
12 Apr 2012 by naveedullah
This article describes the concepts and steps needed to create a multilingual publishing site in MOSS
12 Apr 2012 by walera
First article of a series to help developers develop SharePoint Applications, guide to set up a SharePoint test enviroment
12 Apr 2012 by NagendraGunaga
The purpose of this document is to provide the step by step information about enabling the Form Based Authentication (FBA) for MOSS 2007 site.
12 Apr 2012 by Jakob Flygare
This article shows you how to hide the "Actions Menu" in SharePoint; and more generally, how to security trim your SharePoint pages.
12 Apr 2012 by Gavin Sinai
Four important aspects of SharePoint 2007 Web Part development
12 Apr 2012 by prabhu.subbiah
To compress a SQL Server report which allows the user to download the report in Zip format.
12 Apr 2012 by alifaraze
A trick to use config file for Custom assembly in reporting services
12 Apr 2012 by jkunken
In this article, we will describe how information generated on data acquisition devices connected to servers running Windows Server 2003 can be efficiently integrated into Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 using Windows PowerShell.
12 Apr 2012 by Brij
This article is the third in a series on EWS, which explores Exchange Web Services.
25 Nov 2011 by Shivprasad koirala
25 Nov 2011 by Anupam Ranku
This application is a SharePoint site object browser which shows all the contents of a SharePoint site in a tree structure.
12 Apr 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
SharePoint Quick Start FAQ Part III
25 Nov 2011 by Evoluteur
A step wizard for ASP.NET to export database objects to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML, or SQL
12 Apr 2012 by vivekthangaswamy
An article about how Forms Authentication is enabled in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
25 Nov 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
Production Architecture for a SaaS web application built using ASP.NET and SQL Server that guarantees 99.99% availability and super performance
25 Nov 2011 by gstolarov
SharePoint OCR image files indexing.
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Adnan Ahmed
How to encrypt the database password field, registry information and query string.
25 Nov 2011 by ToddHileHoffer
How to enable Gzip compression in IIS6.0 for ASP.NET 2.0 websites.
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, and end-to-end SEO guide
12 Apr 2012 by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This is a nice and simple approach that I came up with in order to delete temporary files even long after I forgot about them.
6 Dec 2012 by Member 10510822
In this article you can access single database in both desktop and web application with web service
12 Apr 2012 by fraudlabs
solution to prevent chargebacks and to reduce fraud for online merchants