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Great Reads

by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
by Dietmar Kurok
Showing People grouped by departments in an own style (XSLT) and without limits in count of results and paging. Only intensively using build-in Webparts.
by Moim Hossain
Describes how to develop custom business portal application using WSS 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007

Latest Articles

by Member 10510822
In this article you can access single database in both desktop and web application with web service
by Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article presents a JScript/WMI/WSH script - the core of any inventory management application.
by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
by Moim Hossain
Describes how to develop custom business portal application using WSS 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007

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12 Apr 2012 by Syed Rafey Husain
SEO Tips and Techniques, andnd end-to-end SEO guide
25 Nov 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
25 Nov 2011 by Dietmar Kurok
Showing People grouped by departments in an own style (XSLT) and without limits in count of results and paging. Only intensively using build-in Webparts.
12 Apr 2012 by Moim Hossain
Describes how to develop custom business portal application using WSS 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007
18 Apr 2012 by Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article presents a JScript/WMI/WSH script - the core of any inventory management application.
6 Dec 2012 by Member 10510822
In this article you can access single database in both desktop and web application with web service