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Everything / Security / IIS



Great Reads

by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
by Matt Perdeck
This two part series shows how to get the most out of the compression features built into IIS 7 and IIS 6. This second article focuses specifically on IIS 6 compression.
by naveedullah
This article describes the concepts and steps needed to create a multilingual publishing site in MOSS
by NagendraGunaga
The purpose of this document is to provide the step by step information about enabling the Form Based Authentication (FBA) for MOSS 2007 site.

Latest Articles

by Laurence Moroney-MSFT
How to install Drupal on Windows with IIS
by Kishore Nandagiri
Improve your web application performance using Application Pools.
by Sameers (theAngrycodeR )
Setting up IIS and PWS so that it recognises full domain names as belonging to your machine.
by dougturn
An overview of the Microsoft interoperability story for Open Source community and PHP Developers.

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25 Nov 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
10 easy ways to make ASP.NET and AJAX websites faster, more scalable and support more traffic at lower cost
10 Apr 2012 by Matt Perdeck
This two part series shows how to get the most out of the compression features built into IIS 7 and IIS 6. This second article focuses specifically on IIS 6 compression.
12 Apr 2012 by naveedullah
This article describes the concepts and steps needed to create a multilingual publishing site in MOSS
12 Apr 2012 by NagendraGunaga
The purpose of this document is to provide the step by step information about enabling the Form Based Authentication (FBA) for MOSS 2007 site.
12 Apr 2012 by Syed Adnan Ahmed
How to Install and Configure MS Exchange Server 2007 on MS Windows Server 2008
12 Apr 2012 by dougturn
An overview of the Microsoft interoperability story for Open Source community and PHP Developers.
12 Apr 2012 by Kishore Nandagiri
Improve your web application performance using Application Pools.
24 Apr 2012 by Laurence Moroney-MSFT
How to install Drupal on Windows with IIS
12 Apr 2012 by Sameers (theAngrycodeR )
Setting up IIS and PWS so that it recognises full domain names as belonging to your machine.