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An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL
by Retired Author
A 3D chess game that can be played between a computer and a human
by Retired Author
3D Engine, from GLUT to GLFW
by Retired Author
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization

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An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL
by Retired Author
A 3D chess game that can be played between a computer and a human
by Retired Author
3D Engine, from GLUT to GLFW
by Retired Author
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization

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by Retired Author
An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL
by Retired Author
A 3D chess game that can be played between a computer and a human
by Retired Author
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization
by Retired Author
A KD-Tree which stores axis aligned boxes.
by Retired Author
3D Sandbox with programable logic built in
by Retired Author
A simple 3D exploration of a plaza in OpenGL and C#
by Retired Author
A demo of a solar system programmed in OpenGL and C#
by Retired Author
Helper class to display 3D data
by Retired Author
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro MFC in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by Retired Author
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro Win32 in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by Retired Author
A 3D Game Based on Ogre, ODE, 3D Max, CEGUI and so on
by Retired Author
A Basic 3D Asteroid Game in openGL with C#
by Retired Author
Creation of a basic X3DOM editor based on OpenGL with as little code as possible, that is running on ReactOS and Windows, to check out the capabilities of X3DOM.
by Retired Author
A Cessna Skyhawk Skeleton for further development in OpenGL (GLUT) using a Win32 Console
by Retired Author
A Cool Vista Sidebar Gadget Style CPUInfo Animate Control! (Fixed)
by Retired Author
Explanation of a consistent 3D graphics software architecture through a basic OpenGL application
by Retired Author
A concept-tool to create interactive documentations for C/C++ projects
by Retired Author
An article on integrating an OpenGL-based graph component that provides real-time updates.
by Retired Author
Provides a base to use when programming OpenGL-enabled applications for the real world, rather than a simple hello world.
by Retired Author
Texture encoders and decoders are often the most bandwidth intensive parts of a game and optimized encoding with Arm's ASTC encoder can provide a lot of benefit to runtime decoding.
by Retired Author
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
by Retired Author
A new version of the asteroid game
by Retired Author
A Simple OpenGL Stipple Polygon Example using Glut.h
by Retired Author
A Simple OpenGL Window using GLUT with Win32 Console Application
by Retired Author
A simple C++ console application to create an OpenGL window using the GLUT library
by Retired Author
A Simulation of a Canadian F-86 fighter jet in Windows Forms using Visual C++ 2005
by Retired Author
A Star Wars Scroller Demo that moves smoothly from the bottom to the top in OpenGL (GLUT)
by Retired Author
This article explains how to generate resolution independent versions of 3D meshes rendered by OpenGL/MFC programs, i.e. how to export the rendering results to vectorial formats such as encapsulated postscript (EPS) and Windows enhanced metafile (EMF) formats. The main goal consists of being able to
by Retired Author
As a follow-up to Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps for DirectX 11, we present a port of the same algorithm adapted for Android devices that support OpenGL ES 3.1 and the GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering OpenGL extension.
by Retired Author
In this article, we’ll explore the strides Adobe engineers have made over the last few years to enhance Photoshop using OpenGL* and OpenCL™ to increase hardware utilization.
by Retired Author
In this post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
by Retired Author
In this blog post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
by Retired Author
A tutorial on how a Firefox plugin does OpenGL rendering
by Retired Author
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
by Retired Author
anyTex - a class for non-restrictive textures in OpenGL.
by Retired Author
A tutorial for writing applications using Vulkan. I will share my thoughts and experiences as someone who knows OpenGL and would like to “migrate” to its successor.
by Retired Author
This paper describes how to create an x86 player app using the NexPlayer SDK.
by Retired Author
Arcball module using Tao.OpenGL in C#.
by Retired Author
An Arcball module using CsGL in C#.
by Retired Author
The Simplest Graphics and Animation tutorial you ever wanted
by Retired Author
With the advent of WebGL and asm.js, developers can now harness much of the power of their computing device from within the browser and access markets previously unavailable.
by Retired Author
How to setup an Axiom application
by Retired Author
A basic demo of modeling curves and surfaces in OpenGL.
by Retired Author
Get started with OpenGL ES 2.0 shader programming on Android
by Retired Author
Simulation in OSG using discrete events, a Ternary Heap and Interpolation
by Retired Author
The current generation of Intel® graphics hardware extends Intel’s leadership in enabling innovation across the industry, including being fully ready for DirectX 12 and driving the adoption of advanced features by next-generation games.
by Retired Author
Getting started with 2D games development and build the Flappy Bird 3000 game using the Ring programming language.
by Retired Author
Simple lib for capturing live-video from web-camera by using Media Foundation
by Retired Author
A plug-in view class that provides OpenGL support
by Retired Author
A System for Simulation and Analysis of Logic Circuits
by Retired Author
Accessing digital assets in C++ for three-dimensional rendering.
by Retired Author
This article describes several strategies to update GPU resources in Diligent Engine (a modern low-level graphic library) as well as important internal details and performance implications related to each method.
by Retired Author
A simple shader program to create noise effect in an image
by Retired Author
This article describes the creation of an OpenGL window or OpenGL control with C# and Tao Framework
by Retired Author
How to create an OpenGL view on a Windows Form.
by Retired Author
A guide to creating OpenGL applications with Windows Presentation Foundation
by Retired Author
Create OpenGL Window using MFC in Visual Studio .NET
by Retired Author
This article is a guide for "How to make OpenGL custom Wizard on Visual Studio 2010?"
by Retired Author
A C# simulation for DataLink layer using OpenGl
by Retired Author
Framework for loading TGA image data from an SQLite table, decoding this data and binding it to OpenGL textures
by Retired Author
How to use OpenGL and friends to write an app that targets mobile and desktop platforms.
by Retired Author
This first installment introduces essential concepts and categories of game engines and middleware to help narrow your choice, including SDK versus Android Native Development Kit (NDK) development.
by Retired Author
2D cross-platfrom game using SDL and Open GLES 2.0
by Retired Author
This article introduces Diligent Engine, a modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library and rendering framework
by Retired Author
This article describes how to visualize complex-valued functions of a single complex variable using the domain coloring method on GPU.
by Retired Author
Code is described for drawing an image as a 3D surface plot using OpenGL
by Retired Author
With premium quality anti- aliasing, color, thickness, and minimum CPU overhead.
by Retired Author
Drawing Polylines by tessellation with joints, caps, feathering and per- vertex color
by Retired Author
This sample teaches you how to create an OpenGL based Spline Drawing application
by Retired Author
An overview and C# implementation of 3d space partitioning using a BVH (bounding volume hierarchy), with dynamic updates via refitting and tree-rotations.
by Retired Author
This sample demonstrates the use of the extension GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering, which is written against the OpenGL* 4.4 core profile and GLES 3.1 specifications.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to use OpenGL calls inside Java AWT Canvas using JDK1.3's JAWT interface
by Retired Author
OpenGL based 3D learning software
by Retired Author
My way to have a first sample program running with "Texus' Graphical User Interface" (TGUI) - a cross-platform modern C++ immediate GUI, on which I use "Simple and Fast Multimedia Library" (SFML) as backend.
by Retired Author
How to run the -IntegrationSample- of the incredible feature-rich NoesisGUI, that might be the best WPF competitor, on Linux using MonoDevelop and C#.
by Retired Author
Create a basic fountain scene using OpenGL ES 1.1
by Retired Author
Faster, smarter and better looking fonts rendered with OpenGL ES
by Retired Author
How to obtain a motion blur effect.
by Retired Author
Loads a 3D scene from Maya exported GE2 file/files.
by Retired Author
Using multi-pass techniques to generate outlines in OpenGL.
by Retired Author
This article focuses on creating your own web project which takes advantage of Emscripten, so that you can take C / C++ code and get it running inside of the browser.
by Retired Author
Introduction to amplification and mesh shaders, the new programmable stages available in modern GPUs, and how to use them to implement view frustum culling and object LOD selection on the GPU using the Diligent Engine API
by Retired Author
Sample code for OpenCvSharp 3 quick start
by Retired Author
This article is all about getting started with OpenGL.
by Retired Author
An implementation of a basic path tracer with Diligent Engine
by Retired Author
Step by step explanation of 3D image rendering using OpenGL
by Retired Author
Check OpenGL as a basis for appealing applications, that are not necessarily games.
by Retired Author
An easy to use library to quickly setup and run OpenGL applications.
by Retired Author
A simple shader developed in GLSL for interpolating two textures
by Retired Author
This article describes in detail how to set up an OpenGL window with controls laid out and organized into GLUI subwindow(s), and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
by Retired Author
This article describes in detail how to create your first GLUI window with some basic controls inside it, and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
by Retired Author
This article describes in detail how to set up your first OpenGL FreeGLUT window with multiple subwindows, and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
by Retired Author
This article describes in detail how to set up your first OpenGL FreeGLUT window and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications
by Retired Author
H264/HEVC Video Encoder for recording OpenGL rendering
by Retired Author
Save space and save the planet by using integer coordinates
by Retired Author
See why your GPU is getting so hot.
by Retired Author
Performing linear static analysis on a tetrahedral mesh with a little bit of help from a third-party solver.
by Retired Author
How to draw OpenGL to a window you created in a dialog box with the resource editor without manually using CreateWindow.
by Retired Author
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
by Retired Author
The following sessions are created specifically for Android developers who want to package their APPS to support Android x86-based devices:
by Retired Author
This article explains how to select an object using OpenGL.
by Retired Author
Shows the bare minimum steps to automate the build process of an ASP.NET Visual Studio 2005 solution
by Retired Author
DWM composition
by Retired Author
The article describes a general approach to using Cocos2d-x on top of native components and relevant coding specifics for Cocos2d-x, iOS and Android.
by Retired Author
Icy Rocks Workload: A Real Workload for the Android Platform
by Retired Author
Further promotion of integration ideas
by Retired Author
Which Intel software tool includes a new name, new features, and it's ALL available for FREE?
by Retired Author
This whitepaper describes how developers can integrate Intel® RealSense™ SDK background segmentation (BGS) middleware to create new immersive collaboration applications.
by Retired Author
This article describes the OpenGLBox sample in the Multi-OS Engine.
by Retired Author
A short OpenGL demo showing multitexturing effects and clever math optimizations.
by Retired Author
Interactive Water Effect Multitouch with Tuio Library
by Retired Author
A little guide about modern OpenGL and why it gives us so much value.
by Retired Author
An introduction to WebGL and basic graphic programming using JavaScript.
by Retired Author
Simulating displacement, velocity, and acceleration in code.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to load Milkshape ms3d binary files, animate and display them with OpenGL
by Retired Author
Masking Texture in OpenGL from Bitmap Image File using Class CImage (just call the File Name)
by Retired Author
Windows 10 multimedia player 64-bit
by Retired Author
Using OpenGL to map the virtual memory address space.
by Retired Author
A solution for writing game 3D using VC combined with VB.
by Retired Author
In this article I present version of lib3ds reader for C++ language
by Retired Author
This article introduces the problem of resource state management and synchronization in modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan and describes a solution offered by Diligent Engine.
by Retired Author
One another approach for picking objects with the mouse in OpenGL scene.
by Retired Author
The Murl Engine is a fresh and free solution for cross-platform development. It is focused on games and multimedia applications and is currently supporting Android, iOS, Windows, OS X and Linux* platforms.
by Retired Author
Collision algorithms aren't rocket science and this article proves this idea.
by Retired Author
The project that inspired me to start 3D programming
by Retired Author
A reusable Visual C++ framework for real-time volumetric cloud rendering, animation and morphing
by Retired Author
NURBS curve made easy
by Retired Author
OAG is a library written in C++. With this library, you can create OpenGL based applications.
by Retired Author
This tutorial shows Library Code for Geometries 2D how to draw them programatically and how draw to objects using the mouse in an application MFC.
by Retired Author
This tutorial shows library code for 2D Texts and how to draw them programatically using the mouse in an MFC application.
by Retired Author
This tutorial shows library code for 2D Textures and how to draw them programatically using the mouse in an MFC application.
by Retired Author
A set of classes designed to make programming of OpenGL easier
by Retired Author
Applying oil painting effect on an image.
by Retired Author
How to use OpenCL with OpenGL to implement algorithms on GPU.
by Retired Author
OpenGL 3D navigation with Tao and C#, using glRotatef, glTranslatef, and gluLookAt.
by Retired Author
This is a small program that shows how to navigate in 3D space by using the keyboard and mouse. It uses Tao.OpenGl and Tao.freeGlut. It also shows how to draw a 3D cube.
by Retired Author
Shows how to use OpenGL in a .NET WPF application by directly incorporating an OpenGL window as a child of the main WPF window, making it behave more like a control
by Retired Author
Review of a very interesting book about Modern OpenGL Application Development.
by Retired Author
How to adjust your Texture2D object to allow any sized textures in your OpenGL ES project.
by Retired Author
Learn OpenGL geometric primitives through this interactive program.
by Retired Author
Learn how to use OpenGL in your .NET applications with SharpGL.
by Retired Author
Why simple if we can be complex?
by Retired Author
An article showing how to make a Custom AppWizard for OpenGL applications in Visual Studio .NET 2008
by Retired Author
An OpenGl window with 6 different views
by Retired Author
This code will demonstrate how to generate a terrain from a bitmap file.
by Retired Author
A little dialog example showing you the basic movements of an OpenGL triangle.
by Retired Author
This Custom AppWizard for VC++ 6.0 or VC++.NET creates an OpenGL enabled Win32 application suitable for demos and simple games.
by Retired Author
Simple 3D Converter tool
by Retired Author
Introduction to Orbital Mechanics - 2 Body Problem
by Retired Author
Panorama viewer library for iPhone & iPod touch
by Retired Author
Geometric Algebra applied to OpenGL
by Retired Author
How to pan in perspective views so the point under the cursor stays under the cursor.
by Retired Author
OpenGL based model of impossible...
by Retired Author
Thanks to an x86-based Android tablet Intel loaned me for testing, PhonoPaper has been improved and optimized.
by Retired Author
Using GPU Acceleration to Compute Ray-Triangle Intersection
by Retired Author
PicZoom: A Photo Viewer created in OpenGL
by Retired Author
Implementation of Sobel Edge Detection and Cartoon Effect using pixel shader.
by Retired Author
Framework for porting code between different languauges and platforms through a standard XML schema.
by Retired Author
Using DIB section to print OpenGL with good resolution.
by Retired Author
An object oriented OpenGL particle engine, for the simple creation of advanced particle effects.
by Retired Author
Explains methods for recording DirectX and OpenGL rendered animations programmatically.
by Retired Author
An article on rendering FreeType
by Retired Author
Rendering ESRI Shapefiles(.shp) using OpenGL
by Retired Author
Tutorial for creating an accelerated opengl context for X11, Windows, and MacOS. Based on my project: RGFW.
by Retired Author
Robust MVC framework for desktop and web development
by Retired Author
Rubber-banding with OpenGL - A utility class
by Retired Author
ActiveX component for 3D visualization, embedded in different client applications.
by Retired Author
A GLKView class that can be dropped into your project.
by Retired Author
How to set up the OpenGL and freeglut libraries for development in Ubuntu.
by Retired Author
Simple and PCF shadow mapping algorithms (Bonus Article - Android Wild Card Category)
by Retired Author
Use OpenGL in WinForms or WPF applications, directly or with a powerful Scene Graph.
by Retired Author
GLW is a simple, compact, drop-in framework for developing simple OpenGL games and demos. Its focus is ease of use, platform abstraction and small footprint.
by Retired Author
A simple OpenGL framework for fast prototyping of OpenGL and game applications
by Retired Author
How to write an application using architecture that supports plug-ins.
by Retired Author
A simple open-source scene manager, and WavefrontOBJ file loader in C# and OpenGL (OpenTK). Runs on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
by Retired Author
.NET Client sending and receiving complex SOAP messages from Java Axis web service
by Retired Author
SpaceVIL is a cross-platform and multilingual framework for creating GUI client applications for .NET Framework, .NET Core and JVM. This article discusses the SpaceVIL framework, its capabilities and a brief story of its creation.
by Retired Author
A simple StereoLithography data file viewer.
by Retired Author
A simple target control to show us the direction of the enemy, useful especially for computer games
by Retired Author
The article describes how to make a DS9097E adapter and read the temperature from a DS18B20 sensor by using the COneWire class.
by Retired Author
Tesselation of mono connected non convex polygon
by Retired Author
Learn to create a Win32 message loop and game window and how to set-up OpenGL properly for 2D games
by Retired Author
Learn how to load images, display them on the screen and manage them efficiently and how to display animations.
by Retired Author
Learn how to draw text and handle the states of your game.
by Retired Author
A utility to create texture atlases for 2D OpenGL games
by Retired Author
Texture Mapping in OpenGL from any Image File in any format using Class CImage(just call the File Name).
by Retired Author
How to start up with OpenGL on iOS.
by Retired Author
An extended owner draw ListView that is completely rendered using OpenGL
by Retired Author
This sample teaches you how to create an OpenGL based 3D Drawing application and demonstrates the GLU functions and hit testing using OpenGL and MFC
by Retired Author
An article that explains how to use this library
by Retired Author
Long time strategy of software design and development
by Retired Author
This article explains the viewing and modeling transformations.
by Retired Author
True zooming on a perspective view...
by Retired Author
This tutorial presents a step-by-step guide to performance analysis, bottleneck identification, and rendering optimization of an OpenGL ES 3.0 application on Android.
by Retired Author
This article describes Unity low-level plugin interface and the Unity graphics interface emulator that facilitates native plugin development.
by Retired Author
CodeDom Optimizing Compiler for Science and Engineering
by Retired Author
An article on framework applications to virtual reality
by Retired Author
This is a simple example about using OpenGL in CSharp application.
by Retired Author
Use OpenGL in a WPF application with ease!
by Retired Author
This article will show you how you can use the OpenGL graphics library in Google's Go language.
by Retired Author
An article on visualizing points in 3D
by Retired Author
VRML parser and Partial viewer
by Retired Author
A high level library allowing quick and easy creation of Vulkan samples
by Retired Author
Weiler-Atherton algorithm in 3D codes demo implementation
by Retired Author
The discussion in this blog will focus on the 2 Atom x3 SoC SKUs which have already been launched: C3200RK and C3230RK.
by Retired Author
An article detailing a project which contains StarWars-esque scrolling text. It is done completely using OpenGL and shows some advanced OpenGL topics. Also included is a framework for using OpenGL windows in your Win32 programs.
by Retired Author
Article showing how to write OS and GUI toolkit portable OpenGL view class
by Retired Author
Simple XML parser for creation scenes in OSG 3D Engine
by Retired Author
Implementation of different interpolations[Bi-Linear and Bi-Cubic] with OpenGL.