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This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by Retired Author
A Nullable C# DateEdit Control
by Retired Author
Classes Library for String manipulations in Your .NET projects
by Retired Author
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net

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by Retired Author
This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by Retired Author
A Nullable C# DateEdit Control
by Retired Author
Classes Library for String manipulations in Your .NET projects
by Retired Author
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net

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by Retired Author
This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by Retired Author
A Nullable C# DateEdit Control
by Retired Author
Classes Library for String manipulations in Your .NET projects
by Retired Author
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net
by Retired Author
A control library containing three color picker controls written in C#
by Retired Author
Implementation of .NET COM+ Transactions
by Retired Author
Various Command Line Tools Available under .NET Development Environment
by Retired Author
Using the ProcessThread class to monitor the states of threads inside a process.
by Retired Author
Use of the Environment class explained to extract information like Operating System, Environment Variables, etc.
by Retired Author
A DUMeter clone, but with some better/different reporting features.
by Retired Author
A Draft Implementation of an Idea for .NET Dynamic Software Load Balancing
by Retired Author
A simple, string-oriented class for symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hashing.
by Retired Author
An article on .NET applications' interaction with j2EE based web applications.
by Retired Author
Implementation of a LCD User Control in .NET using C#.
by Retired Author
An article that explains the messaging between main and worker threads
by Retired Author
Class Library for MySQL request
by Retired Author
A tutorial on .NET Remoting
by Retired Author
You have the server and several clients. You want the server to fire an event and all of the clients or only some specific must receive it. This article describes several approaches to the problem.
by Retired Author
Sometimes server needs to perform lengthy calculations in reply to the client’s request. If such calls are rare or do not take too much time, it’s not a problem. If your solution shows a tendency to have about 20-30 such invocations being performed concurrently at the same time, you should read this
by Retired Author
.NET Remoting customization – it doesn't have to be so hard!
by Retired Author
This article is meant to be a step by step guide to give its reader a gist of .NET Remoting. This tutorial guides the reader to set up a fully functional chat program.
by Retired Author
An upper logic layer transparent way to redirect .NET remoting calls, enabling exposure of .NET remoting services behind firewall/NAT, to anywhere.
by Retired Author
Microsoft's RemSpy sample's implementation has been explained and more remoting explanations.
by Retired Author
.NET Side Tab
by Retired Author
A component to respond to a hotkey combination, system-wide.
by Retired Author
A variation on the standard .NET date-time picker
by Retired Author
Using TWAIN API to scan images
by Retired Author
This article is about creating wizard style user interface
by Retired Author
.NET wrapper for libbz2, written in MC++
by Retired Author
A settings class that can be used to store values in an XML document
by Retired Author
Setting up a Microsoft Symbol Server
by Retired Author
Part 2 in a series of articles on a two-player mathematical game of strategy
by Retired Author
Describes how to do 2D Blits in DirectX 9 with direct surface access between various surface formats (using color conversion).
by Retired Author
Draw poligons, manipulate them, and animate them.
by Retired Author
Google-like Toolbar with customization from xml file and update from web features
by Retired Author
4 steps to create free SSL certificate for development
by Retired Author
An application to examine .NET assemblies both directly and with reflection
by Retired Author
A progress dialog for asynchronous workers
by Retired Author
An Example Of How To Interface To Dallas Semiconductor's iButton And 1-Wire Network
by Retired Author
Introduction to the basic idea of the particle systems, and how to create basic effects such as explosions and water fountains.
by Retired Author
An article for beginners explaining how to make those fancy events you always see on visual studio controls in 5 simple steps.
by Retired Author
Provides an overview and discussion of the author's BitmapManipulator C# class, including examples of each feature, as well as numerous .NET/GDI+ caveats.
by Retired Author
A generic class implementing an exhaustive searching algorithm for solving a variety of puzzles and riddles
by Retired Author
This C# class retrieves, creates, deletes Registry values and keys, and even more...
by Retired Author
In this article we will see how to write an owner drawn ListBox
by Retired Author
When what you really want is a global function.
by Retired Author
Presenting a smal C# Windows Application for converting images between different graphical formats
by Retired Author
A C# implementation of Reversi (Othello) Game for PocketPC and Windows.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to compress an image using the MPEG1 format
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to create a scrolling text/scrolling marquee control in C#.
by Retired Author
A C# tab control that mimics the Visual Studio.Net, Excel, and InterDev tab styles.
by Retired Author
A C# implementation of the popular water surface effect.
by Retired Author
I propose a simple version of a Breakout (or Arkanoid) game in few C++ lines.
by Retired Author
This is a .NET custom control for web-based charting using Office Web Component technology.
by Retired Author
An ATL filter control
by Retired Author
An article on how to write an Edit control used for HEX and DEC number input.
by Retired Author
A class for sending emails with attachments in C#.
by Retired Author
An article on how to combine Slider Controls and Progress bar into one class using custom draw
by Retired Author
A simple class to ease the task of downloading files from the net
by Retired Author
How to use graphical fonts in your games
by Retired Author
How to simply display a control inside the StatusBar of your program.
by Retired Author
An immensely handy clickable button.
by Retired Author
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
by Retired Author
A wizard to bring easy COM class creation to C#.
by Retired Author
A web based Google Web services client using ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
The ultimate printing component. Use it to print ListBoxes, ListViews, TreeViews, DataGridViews, Forms, TabPages, or even your own UserControls.
by Retired Author
If you want to have an easy-to-use Dialog Box to browse through the network, have a look at this. This library allows for selecting network shares, directories, files, ... and will ask for a user name and password, if needed.
by Retired Author
A timer that will only run the number of times you specifed.
by Retired Author
An article about a custom control for displaying images with the possibility of adding annotations.
by Retired Author
A TabControl-like options dialog based on a TreeView
by Retired Author
A short procedure for adding a nice gauge to your VS toolbox
by Retired Author
This piece of code is the implementation of a simple flags editor. It can be used to edit flags in a property grid.
by Retired Author
Looking for a way to draw 2D line graphs with C#? Here's yet another charting class library with a high degree of configurability, that is also easy to use.
by Retired Author
A Margin structure that can be used in a variety of situations, like layout, drawing and printing. Now comes with a custom TypeConverter and a usage sample.
by Retired Author
An article on how to customize caption bar (e.g. displaying image on caption bar) and change border width and border color.
by Retired Author
An article on low-level audio capture and playback using the waveIn/waveOut APIs through P/Invoke in C#.
by Retired Author
Build a NT Service
by Retired Author
Although socket based TCP/IP servers using IO Completion Ports are often written in C++, it's sometimes useful to write such a server in Visual Basic.
by Retired Author
A library to simplify access to image metadata.
by Retired Author
The .NET ArrayList class provides "dynamic arrays" which, to a C++ programmer should seem really innane. Here's a linked list collection class that can be used in any .NET language.
by Retired Author
A Dialog using Listview in report style and icon style
by Retired Author
This program will take all lettlers from a given file and turn them into a binary code defined by me. Attention, it only encrypts keys that are on you keyboard and it is not case sensitive.
by Retired Author
A localizable Currency textbox control.
by Retired Author
This article describes a sample application that uses the waveout API in C#.
by Retired Author
A magical edit menu that works with no connections to the rest of your project
by Retired Author
An article on a small managed C++ class which gives ability to use the "Send To" feature of Windows Explorer.
by Retired Author
An ASP.NET Validator Control implemented in Managed C++ that can be used to verify email addresses by connecting to SMTP servers listed as Mail eXchangers for a domain, includes example of Win32 API Interoperability with C++ .NET. The validation is not RegEx based.
by Retired Author
A marquee control written in C#
by Retired Author
This article explores a more complete method of injecting a DLL into another process using the CreateRemoteThread approach.
by Retired Author
This article intruduce you a new software encryption method.
by Retired Author
A nice multiline ToolTipCtrl example looking like the one available in Delphi.
by Retired Author
This is a control which will allow the user to input only numbers. And it also has some special features like, if we enter negative values, we can show it in a different color.
by Retired Author
Reference counting smart pointers and handles of various flavours.
by Retired Author
A POP3 client in C# .NET for reading and processing emails (including attachments).
by Retired Author
A popup window containing a progress control and cancel button - no resource file needed
by Retired Author
An article showing a property table editor like VC7.0's property table.
by Retired Author
A real time log file viewer.
by Retired Author
This article contains the simplest solutions for: the security problem for DelegateSerializationHolder, the IO problem, and the messaging speed problem. Note: Messaging speed problem will appear when your application has worked for a long time.
by Retired Author
A class implementing IHttpHandler for use in custom controls, to send embedded resources such as scripts, images, and style sheets to the client.
by Retired Author
Writing a high performance server that runs on Windows NT and uses sockets to communicate with the outside world isn't that hard once you dig through the API references. What's more, most of the code is common between all of the servers that you're likely to want to write.
by Retired Author
To maintain performance a socket server shouldn't make blocking calls from its IO threads. This article builds on the previous one to add a business logic thread pool to our example server.
by Retired Author
When a server has to deal with lots of short lived client connections, it's advisable to use the Microsoft extension function for WinSock, AcceptEx(), to accept connections.
by Retired Author
A helper framework for generation of SQL queries in C++ and Lua
by Retired Author
SSD SDK provides security for your shareware programs through strong cryptographic techniques.
by Retired Author
A CComboBox derived combo-box class
by Retired Author
The article gives a sample of how to implement Internet Explorer-style sizable re-bar and menu bar controls.
by Retired Author
How to create a Shaped Windows Application with Variable Opacity
by Retired Author
This article is my attempt at developing an extremely simple Whiteboard application in C#/ WinForms and sockets for messaging, to be used simultaneously by 2 users.
by Retired Author
This article gives a simple architecture of using StreamReaders and DataSets together to read data from arbitrarily formatted flat files into DataSets, using ini files as an example
by Retired Author
In this article we shall produce a simple genetic algorithm in C#
by Retired Author
An example framework for toolbar handling, written in C#.
by Retired Author
Generate C++ classes using XML & XSL
by Retired Author
This application demonstrates .NET remoting in LAN.
by Retired Author
The framework, from what I have seen, does not include a function to play sound. So, after looking around and gathering information on how to do such, I ended up making a class. I like to use this for error messages. I simply imported the DLL file winmm.dll and used the PlaySound function from it.
by Retired Author
An end-to-end example of a bottom up LALR(1) compiler for a fictitious language targeting the Common Language Runtime
by Retired Author
An article on writing a simple Windows Event Logger.
by Retired Author
A simple DataGrid Row Tooltip for beginners.
by Retired Author
This is a brief description.
by Retired Author
How to write WMI providers in C#
by Retired Author
An ArrayList container wrapper class that permits the table to be filled with data in an early phase of a program, but then made read-only (Immutable) for subsequent usage.
by Retired Author
A Hashtable wrapper class that permits the table to be filled with data in an early phase of a program, but then made read-only (Immutable) for subsequent usage.
by Retired Author
Creating a semaphore to limit a given number of threads accessing a resource in a process.
by Retired Author
This program shows an example of how to manipulate lots of files to convert their size, quality and get a thumbnail image.
by Retired Author
A very simple and practical way, how a single RadioButton acts as a RadioButtonList in a web DataGrid server control column.
by Retired Author
An article useful to understand simple thread use, TCP/IP networking, and basic use of XML.
by Retired Author
This class allows you to create transparent static controls. For instance, you can add text on a bitmap in a dialog.
by Retired Author
The code uses a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath method to follow the users mouse movements. The path is then painted in the control.
by Retired Author
A simple web page template parser to separate layout from code.
by Retired Author
This is a simple viewer application which allows you to apply basic operation on images such as Rotate, Flip, ROI (Region of interest) zoom and Panning.
by Retired Author
A simple Windows Forms Login Control component.
by Retired Author
A utility that can be used to spy the properties of any Windows forms control in the system
by Retired Author
This class wraps some useful DDE messages to control Acrobat from your application
by Retired Author
A class to read and write non validated XML files
by Retired Author
A simple application for validating XML files from within Windows Explorer.
by Retired Author
Why another button control? Because I searched the net for a control that would mimic the XP/VS.NET style buttons, but I couldn't find a decent one. I think this button has all needed functionality: cool style, shortcut keys, icons, alignment, ...
by Retired Author
This article compares and contrasts the relative performances of various languages like native C++, Visual Basic 6, C#, VB.NET, Managed C++, MC++ and native code mix, ngen'd assemblies etc. using a prime number generation function as a generic benchmark
by Retired Author
A status bar text provider for menu items and form controls in Windows Forms applications similar to the feature found in MFC and Microsoft Access applications.
by Retired Author
A tabbed frame window to show several views of a document in a single frame.
by Retired Author
Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
by Retired Author
This control allows you to select a template for each different row in your Repeater, based on the content of that row.
by Retired Author
A simple control that allows the user to pick time periods in the day
by Retired Author
A tool for dynamic compiling and running of C# or VB.NET code in memory without having to create a project
by Retired Author
Introduces an open source UDP-based data transfer library.
by Retired Author
A simple way to generate and manipulate URLs.
by Retired Author
Multi-Color and multi-directional TrackBar.
by Retired Author
Some vector and matrix manipulation routines.
by Retired Author
An article on a VB.NET ripple image control
by Retired Author
A very simple class to include the browse for folder window into your C# project
by Retired Author
This is a Visual Studio .NET like ToolBox control with animation and drag and drop support.
by Retired Author
Basic understanding of Pro*C
by Retired Author
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by Retired Author
This project presents an Access Database Editor written in C#
by Retired Author
How to access RDBMS liks MS SQL or Orcale using XML. The core part using COM technology and ATL.
by Retired Author
Using this dll anyone can access 3 databases i.e Oracle,SQLServer,Access
by Retired Author
This article will explain how to access LDAP service using VB.NET.
by Retired Author
The article demonstrates an easy method to access the data of templated controls (Repeater, DataList, DataGrid) from client-side scripts.
by Retired Author
Implementation of Delphi's ActionList for Windows.Forms
by Retired Author
This article shows how to write an ActiveSync file filter in C#.
by Retired Author
Use the HTTP module to automatically add a header and footer control to all ASP.NET pages.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to add a JavaScript tree menu to a DataGrid head text.
by Retired Author
The article explains adding a user in SQL Server programmatically, using VC++
by Retired Author
The simple way to add an uninstall menu item to your .NET deployment project
by Retired Author
This article focuses on how to add a virtual multimedia effect to the system clock.
by Retired Author
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
by Retired Author
Adding "Merge cells" support to the MFC GridControl.
by Retired Author
This article will help the user in adding rows to a table in ASP.NET and deleting multiple selected rows from the table using JavaScript.
by Retired Author
Passing large amounts of data through web services can become a huge bottle-neck in a WAN application architecture (i.e., server is on the web), and in any case, a real load on the network traffic. This is one solution for downsizing the network costs.
by Retired Author
Enhance the visual impact of your radio buttons
by Retired Author
Step-by-step instructions on how to add OLE automation to an already existing application. In addition, it illustrates how to do things without using the code as provided by the application wizard.
by Retired Author
Introduction to the BalloonWindow class which allows .NET applications to implement balloon windows similar to what is available in Windows XP. Complete customization allows both the appearence and shape to be configured as well as projecting an alpha-blended shadow.
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to add context aware XPath functions to an XSL transformation. This is done by a hack using reflection.
by Retired Author
Describes how to use a [Description] attribute on an enumeration
by Retired Author
Article explaining how to add drag and drop support to a VB.NET control
by Retired Author
Adding advanced search-engine features (and persistent catalog) to Searcharoo project
by Retired Author
A simple extension of the menu control that displays icons
by Retired Author
Adding images to MenuItems
by Retired Author
How to easily add line numbers to source code or text.
by Retired Author
The article explains how to make use of COM objects from .NET
by Retired Author
How to use the event handlers for various ADO.NET connection & data objects.
by Retired Author
A tutorial on connecting to SQL 2000 Server.
by Retired Author
Advanced Shape Control
by Retired Author
Building a simple query language with the OR and AND boolean operators
by Retired Author
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML with ASP.NET integration.
by Retired Author
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML with ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
This article guides how to customize an installer for specific needs of the application.
by Retired Author
How to print a Form in VB.NET using the Printform Component. Describes the various ways with examples on how to customize the printed output according to your need.
by Retired Author
Allow editable content on your web pages.
by Retired Author
Enable resizing of controls on a form at runtime with this class and two lines of code.
by Retired Author
This code is very useful when you want to auto increment number using A-Z and 1-9 with possible combinationYou can pass any string and system will return next possible number e.g. You can Pass number "PRO01A9" then You will get "PRO01B1"
by Retired Author
A DLL which creates a system hook to trap WM_INITMENUPOPUP and append an "Always on Top" option to all system menus.
by Retired Author
A dBASE syntax parser of one expression. Functions and variables are supported.
by Retired Author
A small utility to make easy logging to files
by Retired Author
C++ ASP.NET interface to Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server for building Rule-Based Expert Systems
by Retired Author
A rendering class with full customizations for novice or advanced users.
by Retired Author
A wrapper class for notification icons (tray icons) with support for balloon tips.
by Retired Author
Simple program that interprets a MPEG 2 file.
by Retired Author
Who am I? What am I doing here at CodeProject? Well, I'll answer myself all these questions and others.
by Retired Author
A custom ListBox that can resize its items automatically
by Retired Author
Improve drawing of controls with transparent background over a form with image background
by Retired Author
A very simple class which can list all the Active Directory users just by calling a single member function.
by Retired Author
An owner drawn listbox that supports multi-line word-wrapped text as well as in-place editing.
by Retired Author
A class to parse HTML - a part of the ScreenSaver competition
by Retired Author
This shows how to use a "working" progress bar like Windows XP does.
by Retired Author
A control that offers extensible entry specification and full keyboard support
by Retired Author
A class to allow easy access and updating to configuration settings for your .NET application
by Retired Author
A simple HTTP module to be used as a "last-resort" error handler for ASP.NET applications. It does not require changes to existing code, and can be "dropped-in" to an already running site.
by Retired Author
An image preview dialog for adjusting brightness and contrast
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates a simple viewer for JPEG images.
by Retired Author
A C# class that exposes the INI file handling functions from Kernal32.dll
by Retired Author
Implements an instrumented event manager which can be used to invoke event sinks both synchronously and asynchronously. The event sink can be declared using either the System.EventHandler delegate or by reflection.
by Retired Author
An article on how to control MSFT Excel 2003 from J# .NET
by Retired Author
An introduction to libsig c++ using the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler
by Retired Author
An introduction to monitoring performance of applications.
by Retired Author
Part two of this series introduces signing and encryption principals. It explains the steps to digitally sign and encrypt a message using the WSE and an X.509 certificate.
by Retired Author
This article explains the first steps to build secure Web Services. It introduces the WSE specification and the easiest authentication mechanism based on username identification and password validation.
by Retired Author
Illustrates in a step-by-step manner the design and implementation of an Outlook style icon bar.
by Retired Author
It is an SMPP implementation of v3.3 and v3.4 ( partial support). You can use it to connect to SMSC and send/receive SMS.
by Retired Author
Svg.Net is a C# framework for creating SVG images. A GDI-SVG bridge is implemented on top of it.
by Retired Author
A BLOG tool ready to use. Post weblogs to an XML file from a windows application via Web Service. Uses SOAP Headers for authentication. Uses simple XSL Transformation for the RSS feed.
by Retired Author
An analog clock control that can raise alarm at a given time and that can also set a count down alarm.
by Retired Author
Avoid unnecessary variable declaration and redundant instructions. Analyzing and understanding the compiler and generated IL instructions in a simple example, saving your performance.
by Retired Author
(Yet) another screen saver for the Code Project competition, with code in C# and (coming soon) some details about how certain aspects of the code involved work.
by Retired Author
Shows how to change the visual style of the application form with an animation.
by Retired Author
An animated counter control with different themes
by Retired Author
How to create a RichEdit control to display animated emoticons like MSN Messenger's.
by Retired Author
A tool to announce message, sing a song and tell a joke.
by Retired Author
My favorite feature of ASP.NET 2.0 is Web Parts. But the anonymous users in ASP.NET cannot save personalization data and can't use Web Parts design options. This article describes how we can solve this problem in a tricky way.
by Retired Author
Class Factory based on C# events & delegate
by Retired Author
Another wizard for .NET using tab control
by Retired Author
Simple check for break-points on eXecution of a system debugger!
by Retired Author
This example will show you how to use doublebuffering and hopefully allows you to make images move across your screen.
by Retired Author
An article on Word append using interop.
by Retired Author
Application and component configuration from XML .config files.
by Retired Author
Application configuration settings .NET & VB 6 with XML
by Retired Author
ApplicationData is a generic utility library class for managing an application's data
by Retired Author
In this article, I’ll explain how you can easily store and retrieve your application settings with just a few lines of code
by Retired Author
How to Choose a Crypto++ Pseudo Random Number Generator
by Retired Author
Create and Verify RSA Digital Signatures with Appendix Using Crypto++
by Retired Author
This article illustrates a practical implementation of one of the common tasks that developers face every day, using reflection.
by Retired Author
This article describes the steps to develop simple chat applications using .NET remoting and the Observer pattern.
by Retired Author
This article explains how to avoid object dependencies using the Observer Pattern with a simple example.
by Retired Author
You may have to give access or hide controls based on the user logged in. This article would help you write custom code to show/hide or enable/disable controls
by Retired Author
Sample custom button control to help you write your own custom controls
by Retired Author
How to use overflow checking effectively and avoid some pitfalls.
by Retired Author
Convert delimited text files to XML file or DataSet object
by Retired Author
A program that allows you to convert .ascx User Controls into redistributable controls
by Retired Author
Drag and drop contained objects on a webpage.
by Retired Author
An example of persisting and parsing a custom collection in an ASP.NET server control.
by Retired Author
A set of common, reusable page classes for ASP.NET applications.
by Retired Author
Detecting changes in data controls in ASP.NET Web Forms.
by Retired Author
An ASP.NET page class that has the ability to e-mail its rendered content.
by Retired Author
A utility class containing some useful features for ASP.NET applications.
by Retired Author
A set of controls that when placed on a web form help to prevent abuse of registration pages by forcing users to enter the security code displayed in a picture.
by Retired Author
The ASP.NET DataGrid UpDownColumn represents a DataGrid column up-down control that displays a list's selected values.
by Retired Author
ASP.NET dynamic XML web menu control based on JavaScript.
by Retired Author
ASP.NET Expand/Contract DataGrid that allows you to show/hide details without posting back.
by Retired Author
The ASP.NET DataGrid Server Control is a versatile control. The control displays data bound information in a HTML table. There are several key UI features that the DataGrid does not have. For instance, many HTML tables that show data in a list, change the color of the row when the mouse hovers over.
by Retired Author
Extension to the ASP.NET GridView control, with built-in client side sorting, column dragging, fixed header etc.
by Retired Author
Guest Entry form with an XML control.
by Retired Author
Paged table data display in DataGrid by selecting letter from a letter list which is derived from existing data.
by Retired Author
How to implement the optimistic concurrency control without the DataSet
by Retired Author
ASP.NET Server-Side Charting with OWC11
by Retired Author
Searching database and showing results in DataGrid control.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates how to use the Microsoft ASP.NET TreeView control from client-side script.
by Retired Author
A tutorial on how to use delegate model to notify one ASP.NET user control of changes in the other user control.
by Retired Author
Simple utility to browse assembly object hierarchy
by Retired Author
Managing portability of your source code among different RDBMS, reducing developing time and maintenance.
by Retired Author
An article on the new approach to utilize Win32 threads in a more intuitive manner.
by Retired Author
An article on using sockets to communicate in a non-blocking manner. The sample works through building a simple chat client and server.
by Retired Author
An article on asynchronous socket communications using the .NET framework.
by Retired Author
ATL COM Shared Add Ins Using C++ - The Easy Way
by Retired Author
Create an ATL Server to generate random tips using a Server Response File
by Retired Author
Complete implementation of .NET IDE's snapping windows in ATL/WTL
by Retired Author
This article will help you to find a way to convert the ATOM to RSS Feed Format
by Retired Author
Simple program to inspect custom attributes in assemblies
by Retired Author
A .NET class library for audio processing.
by Retired Author
A namespace of various classes that provide audio conversion capabilities, and can convert between many audio formats, including MP3.
by Retired Author
Provides support for customized global environment build settings on a per solution basis
by Retired Author
Autolink automatically generates a text file containing a list of hyperlinks. You provide a list of htm pages and a list of page names as input.
by Retired Author
This freeware allows to edit a Windows Resources File (*.rc) and to produce a file named 'version.h' containing several string constants (#define). It can also synchronize a RC file and version.h with the Classbuilder Master Header File.
by Retired Author
An AutoCompletion control that doesn't use IAutoComplete but still retains the same look and feel.
by Retired Author
Automate manifest injection using post-build events.
by Retired Author
This will create a set of classes that generate a set of C# class files which map into the database tables. They will have the class name same as the table name and they will have a set of properties that are same as the table attributes.
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates how to automate IE's Save As functionality
by Retired Author
This article explains how to prevent your programs from memory leaks, by incorporating Garbage Collector in your class.
by Retired Author
A unique spin on implementing generic Undo/Redo funcionality for .NET classes using method invocation interception...
by Retired Author
Get a list of running Visual Studio instances, and a reference to the automation server.
by Retired Author
A Windows application that does not export any program interface, may be converted to automation server with COM object(s) injected into the application process.
by Retired Author
This is a little trick to auto-resize the columns width of a listview with only one line of code
by Retired Author
A browser helper object that automatically adds a different signature when you post a message to a CP forum
by Retired Author
Handling Oracle Max Open cursor error when fetching multiple rows in .NET.
by Retired Author
A small and efficient collection of classes and templates to create multi-stage multi-threaded data processing pipe lines
by Retired Author
Blood-alcohol level calculator.
by Retired Author
Using a BackgroundWorker Thread to improve responsiveness in your UI, support cancel and display progress.
by Retired Author
A utility to backup directories and stick a datestamp on the folder, and remove folders older than N days, where N is configurable.
by Retired Author
Although sometimes useful, message boxes used to display information are often just annoying. This article describes a non-modal replacement.
by Retired Author
Save bandwidth and get QoS with bandwidth throttling.
by Retired Author
Barry's Chat System
by Retired Author
This article details a way to perform web security much like ASP 2.0 does it, using an ISAPI Filter.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates the use of the reader/writer classes as well as the file/directory info classes
by Retired Author
Starting your app minimized on the sytem tray.
by Retired Author
Send network messages to several recipients
by Retired Author
Explains how to register, use and unregister hotkeys
by Retired Author
Start Direct3D programming and create a window
by Retired Author
A set of classes to simplify using custom properties in the .NET PropertyGrid control.
by Retired Author
A replacement for the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar control.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates an easy-to-use bidirectional Hashtable to facilitate reverse lookups.
by Retired Author
Create a BiDirectionalHashtable to access both key and items in O(1) time, and create a connection between items.
by Retired Author
A library that assists in gathering system information such as disk volumes, labels and even disk icons.
by Retired Author
Explains how to perform drawing on a large image retrieved from the database, and then stream the image with the "Open/Save" option.
by Retired Author
Learn OOD in .NET by examining a Blackjack game
by Retired Author
A blog reader, integrated into Visual Studio. Shows a list of blogs, blog entries, and which entries you haven’t read yet
by Retired Author
This is an implementation of Microsoft Blue Yonder tutorial that comes with Beta 2 SDK.
by Retired Author
A simple tool that can be used to time how long different parts of your code take to execute, and where bottlenecks occur
by Retired Author
A fast and flexible Bounded Blocking Queue. Great for general Producer/Consumer needs such as network queues and pipelines.
by Retired Author
Boxing and unboxing
by Retired Author
Syntax coloring, multi-level undo/redo editor control.
by Retired Author
This article is expected to (0) Introduce Brainnet, a declarative neural network library we developed (1) Demonstrate some practical uses neural network programming (2) Give you a fair idea regarding neurons, neural networks and their applications (3) Introduce BrainNet library - an open source
by Retired Author
This article describes how to create a Panel that allows FlowLayout positioning for WinForms.
by Retired Author
An article on browsing via directories or HTTP, with ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
Shows how to build solution files from command line or via contextmenu item.
by Retired Author
This article builds stacks to filter or format data.
by Retired Author
Building a highly pluggable middle-tier component with NHibernate and Spring.Net.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to develop a refactoring addin for Visual Studio.NET
by Retired Author
Describes how to extend the original refactor add-in with additional features.
by Retired Author
Building COM Objects in C#.
by Retired Author
One of the many solutions to build a quick and robust middle tier.
by Retired Author
Describes a way of creating a web service that persists its state between sequent calls.
by Retired Author
Explains how to implement a Business Façade logic layer between the Presentation logic and the Business logic in an n-tier application
by Retired Author
Provides an XP look and feel over which you have ultimate control
by Retired Author
An implementation of the classic asteroids game using 2D Drawing classes
by Retired Author
This is a utility which parses C# source code and creates the CODEDOM tree of the code.
by Retired Author
A simple C# [VB.NET] compiler without using csc.exe
by Retired Author
Creating Menus Dymanically in C#.
by Retired Author
A generalised method for calling parameterized stored procedures
by Retired Author
Common DateTime routines for C#.
by Retired Author
This article introduces shell programming using C#. It includes developing several utility classes for working with the shell and a class that wraps the extensible Browse for Folder dialog.
by Retired Author
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The article will develop a base class for developing such apps.
by Retired Author
This article is about the AutoComplete features enabled by windows and how to use them with C#. AutoComplete is the ability to expand strings written in an edit box. The article will develop a class for using this functionality in you applications.
by Retired Author
Educational article about C# events
by Retired Author
.NET wrapper of the system Header control.
by Retired Author
A fully featured completely managed C# ListView.
by Retired Author
A simple Hex engine using DirectX
by Retired Author
C# MaskedEdit Control similiar to the MS Access masked edit control
by Retired Author
A control that combines two scrollbars for choosing two related values
by Retired Author
C# Rect Tracker (like CRectTracker on C++).
by Retired Author
This article describes how to write a relational database using C#.
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates writing a service in C# and the setup options .NET provides.
by Retired Author
Introduces how to use Microsoft.vsa to make your programs have script functions
by Retired Author
A simple game that runs based on client server programming.
by Retired Author
Enable multiple selection in .NET treeview controls
by Retired Author
A TextBox Control with Input Validation written in C#
by Retired Author
In this article, I discuss the PageStatePersister, and detail ViewState storage in one of four locations: Session, Application, AppGlobals, and server Cache.
by Retired Author
Windows service code to change wallpaper at configured intervals
by Retired Author
A Wepkey generator for protecting your wireless LAN.
by Retired Author
An ImageMap control for use in Windows Forms applications
by Retired Author
Class to parse command line arguments and store/retrieve them.
by Retired Author
Understand graphs and A* path-finding algorithm with C#
by Retired Author
How to implement creation and extraction of Microsoft CAB files
by Retired Author
Properly using cache, session, and viewstate objects in your application
by Retired Author
Calculate dates for christian holidays such as Easter, Ascension day etc.
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to use Hashtable() to store data, foreach() to cycle through collections of elements, and some other functions that you can usually see in most of the applications.
by Retired Author
Tray calendar for WinXP+ (replaces MirandaPlanner).
by Retired Author
How to Give a call to XML Web Service through ASP
by Retired Author
This article helps you to get an idea about calling API functions in C#.
by Retired Author
Calling C# assembly functions having same name differing only by case, in VB.NET.
by Retired Author
When you create an installation project with Visual Studio, you can use Custom Actions to perform extra processing once the basic installation has completed. This article describes how to have a custom action execute some JavaScript, passing it some parameters.
by Retired Author
It will help you to call a managed function from unmanaged DLL function.
by Retired Author
Describes how to interface 'C' code with C# through Dlls compiled in 'C'
by Retired Author
A class to detect ALL the features of the CPU / CPUs in the local system. Now at version 1.2
by Retired Author
A C# video surveillance application, which allows monitoring several IP cameras simultaneously.
by Retired Author
This article is discussing the efficiency of the most popular search_n implementations. Furthermore, it is introducing a new search_n specialization for random access iterators, which outruns by far the most commonly used implementations.
by Retired Author
A replacement ThreadPool with Abort and Resume functionality.
by Retired Author
Design and implementation of canvas in C#
by Retired Author
A solution to capture video and frames simultaneously
by Retired Author
How to find the running instances of Internet Explorer on your machine.
by Retired Author
An article on capturing the Screen using Win32 APIs in C#
by Retired Author
An engine that transforms XML files on a web server.
by Retired Author
Explains how to use DynamicProxy to intercept on object instances.
by Retired Author
An theme-aware colour picker MFC control that combines the functionalities of other colour pickers on CodeProject and adds some new functionality.
by Retired Author
by Retired Author
This article will show how to centralize your logic when opening a Windows Form.
by Retired Author
Provides a class capable of providing a CFile sytle interface with no MFC dependecies and more importantly providing the ability to read/write if full overlapped IO mode with a user defined callback between each segment read/write.
by Retired Author
A flowchart editor with linked objects, based on CDiagramEditor.
by Retired Author
The CFolderDialog class allows you to add a folder-selection dialog box to your applications.
by Retired Author
A wrapper class for SHFormatDrive (XP/2K only). Corrects some errors in KB article Q173688
by Retired Author
A custom control for n-tuple input.
by Retired Author
This is a simple class that makes transparent dialog boxes rise more smoothly.
by Retired Author
This article presents a tiny grid control derived from the standard list control
by Retired Author
This article describes how to design and implement remoting over chained channels (standard and custom) using the logical url address connectivity.
by Retired Author
This Control can change the Georgian dates in Dataset to Shamsi date (For Report)
by Retired Author
An enhancement for the DirectX video stream and frame capture sample.
by Retired Author
Resolving Crystal Report "Table not Found" error message after migrationg the VS2003 Code to VS2005
by Retired Author
How to change the background color of cells in a DataGrid depending on their value
by Retired Author
Changing the default limit of 25 threads of ThreadPool class
by Retired Author
This article discusses how to change the icon that is placed on the tools menu by the Visual Studio .NET Add-in Wizard
by Retired Author
In This User Control 10 Types Of Charts are Created Dynamically Depending upon type of Chart Selected by User That Chart is Displayed .It also Changes BackColor and ForeColor of Chart
by Retired Author
A tool to check links across merged help (CHM) files.
by Retired Author
ListView which supports checkable subitems and returns the clicked subitem
by Retired Author
Our attempt at a screen saver with a Code Project theme, written in C#
by Retired Author
The CHTMLLogFile class presented in this article implements an HTML format for a log file with some (useful) features.
by Retired Author
Describes the use and architecture of an animated, circularly arranged pop-up menu control written in C#.
by Retired Author
This code implements classic encryption technique in an easy and reusable way.
by Retired Author
C++ class library.
by Retired Author
Describes the File Access, Persistance with C Sharp
by Retired Author
A CStatic derived digital LED screen with transparency. Based on "CStaticTime class" of Jason Hattingh.
by Retired Author
A custom control in C# based on the standard splitter showing embedded resources.
by Retired Author
Class helps to write client side scripting inside .NET code.
by Retired Author
An introduction to using the clipboard
by Retired Author
Builds on part 1, showing how to use custom/multiple formats
by Retired Author
A Visual Studio .NET addin that allows non-admin accounts to debug CLR applications running under different logon credentials.
by Retired Author
CM_ConfigBuilder generates and compiles the required files to manage your application's settings/preferences and to store/retrieve them in XML format.
by Retired Author
A simple and efficient interface for using a multi-level matrix of values.
by Retired Author
This class provides MFC Control functionality to CMapEditor, and supports isometric view
by Retired Author
Owner drawn menu with the Office XP visual style
by Retired Author
An MFC class for fast extraction and interpretation of values from a 32 bit provided value.
by Retired Author
Create a Code/Text editor. Line numbering with or without wordwrap enabled.
by Retired Author
A palette of code generation tools for VS.NET.
by Retired Author
A Visual Studio .NET addin that provides a mechanism for inserting commonly used code snippets.
by Retired Author
Simple tool for storing and retrieving the quotes and using them in the signatures.
by Retired Author
A Mozilla-style collapsing splitter control in C#
by Retired Author
In which I attempt to write a simple game in C#
by Retired Author
Continuing my attempt at a simple game in C#
by Retired Author
Finishing my attempt at a simple game in C#
by Retired Author
Changing the Color of the Button control
by Retired Author
Color picker control for WTL applications including optional support for XP themes
by Retired Author
An attractive and fancier ProgressBar.
by Retired Author
Selecting colors with a combo box.
by Retired Author
This article describes the "bug/feature" in the ASP.NET ListBox.
by Retired Author
A demoonstration of COM Interop, showing early and late binding to a COM component
by Retired Author
Using the com port in windows, using any .NET Language
by Retired Author
This sample shows how to retrieve a subscriptions registered in the Event System store using C#.
by Retired Author
Some basic combinatorial algoritms for use in the NET framework
by Retired Author
RequiredField and Regular Expression validation together... you can use this control in place of group required field and regular expression validation controls.
by Retired Author
A command line tool with source code to add any native Win32 resource (HTML, Icons, BMPs, etc.) to an executable.
by Retired Author
How to manipulate Windows services on local or remote computers.
by Retired Author
This tool extends explorer with functionality of a command prompt. Implemented as a band object completely in C#. Demonstrates COM Interop and P/Invoke, windows hooking and API interception. Finally you can run all these .Net SDK tools and ‘Hello World!’ programs without leaving explorer shell.
by Retired Author
Comments workbench for C++ - a Visual Studio .NET add-in.
by Retired Author
Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
by Retired Author
Developer utility to clean up multiple compilations.
by Retired Author
Complex Data Binding a collection implementing IBindingList and ITypedList
by Retired Author
An implementation of the composite-visitors pattern avoiding the use of rescursive generic code.
by Retired Author
Compressing attachments before sending the mail
by Retired Author
An article to demonstrate how to convert from one base 2, 8, 10 or 16 to another of base 2, 8, 10, 16
by Retired Author
Eases the use of keys defined under appSettings.
by Retired Author
Change WebService server locations at runtime.
by Retired Author
This article describes the problems one can meet during using Wizard 97 with MFC and the way to resolve them
by Retired Author
Very useful in running as a scheduled task to delete unwanted files accumulating in a directory
by Retired Author
A framework for rapidly creating a console application.
by Retired Author
A basic FTP client in C#.
by Retired Author
More about the technology, but the demo app is ASP.NET
by Retired Author
This white paper guides you through the process of writing a client application that will consume a sample .NET My Services service
by Retired Author
How to access and use a web service from a C# application, using the CodeProject Web Services.
by Retired Author
Learn how to properly integrate your custom .NET control into the Visual Studio .NET design environment with TypeConverters and UITypeEditors. The article includes two useful controls, a container ListView, and a complete, feature-loaded TreeListView.
by Retired Author
Control Center for Windows 2K and more
by Retired Author
ControlInspector hooks on to all events on a given control, user-control or form and shows when they are fired, along with any eventargs. It even handles custom events and custom event args using dynamically generated assemblies.
by Retired Author
An article on controlling popular media players from external programs.
by Retired Author
Generic functions written in C# to convert a binary,octal or a hexa-decimal to a decimal number and vice-versa.
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates how to convert a VS.NET 2003 project to VS.NET 2002
by Retired Author
Convert a delegate to a function pointer to implement callback function, for mixed Managed C++ and unmanaged C++ coding, and for DLL call.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to convert a text file to PDF.
by Retired Author
A native .NET class for saving URLs: text-only, HTML page, HTML archive, or HTML complete.
by Retired Author
Provides a utility and code library to convert an Excel file to XML file as well as generate XML Schema. It validates an Excel file against XML Schema.
by Retired Author
Convert your RSS Feeds to OPML.
by Retired Author
Convert VB6 forms to C#
by Retired Author
This is project is to know about how to convert the retrieved data from database to Excel file thro' c# code
by Retired Author
Want to make it easy to make the jump to C#? Here's the answer.
by Retired Author
An article about changing the look of WTL icon menu
by Retired Author
This code helps you to explain how to copy/downloads files from FTP server to local server
by Retired Author
When Graphics.Clone() just won't do.
by Retired Author
This is a fully drawn GDI+ custom scrollbar control class. All of its drawing methods are overrideable, allowing developers to paint it however they choose.
by Retired Author
An article on recursively counting lines of code in files from a given directory.
by Retired Author
C# implementation of a Dijkstra counting Semaphore.
by Retired Author
A DropDownList derived control that lists all countries and performs an IP Address database lookup, to determine the country of visitors automatically.
by Retired Author
An app which retrieves the latest Articles and Lounge Posts from CP and displays them to you within your VS.NET IDE
by Retired Author
This article is about creating a vertical explorer bar which displays CodeProject's latest article briefs from its RSS feed.
by Retired Author
CPopProxyMT is a skeletal class that wraps a multi-threaded POP3 proxy. You can further modify this class to suite your needs.
by Retired Author
This simple class allows to profile code sections and optionally print time elapsed and tracing strings in different formats.
by Retired Author
Second article on building a language interpreter describing error handling and direct evaluation during parsing.
by Retired Author
Third article on building a language interpreter describing the generation of parse trees and syntax trees.
by Retired Author
First of a series of articles on building a language interpreter, describing basics about parsing and grammars.
by Retired Author
An article on using CRCxxx checksum calculations in C#, combined with the serialstreamreader example found on this site.
by Retired Author
A more easy to generate toolbar images.
by Retired Author
This program explores how trees are made using a simple fractal algorithm.
by Retired Author
Explains methods for creating a movie (AVI/ WMV/ MOV) programmatically.
by Retired Author
Introduce a programming technology to design a very complex, rich document type.
by Retired Author
Create Playlist regardless of Windows recognised format using strings, arrays and files
by Retired Author
Describes how to create an automation add-in for Excel using .NET.
by Retired Author
This article shows you the advantage of PNG images with alpha-blending feature in creating animation and demonstates how to use PNG images in Framework.NET application by calling API
by Retired Author
It is very easy to create In-Place ToolTips on yourself control like treeview control.
by Retired Author
Create multilingual web pages very easily, without using localization and resources.
by Retired Author
Create simple ASP.NET Progress Bar Web control, and download example ZIP file.
by Retired Author
This Article is make of a CView under CView using CWnd control
by Retired Author
A multi-article contribution describing in step-by-step detail on creating your own service with integrated support for setup and custom event logs. This lesson we'll add multiple child services as well as updating the installer to install these services as well.
by Retired Author
A multi-article contribution describing in step-by-step detail on creating your own service with integrated support for setup and custom event logs.
by Retired Author
Creating a custom wizard to generate managed C++.NET applications with a default form
by Retired Author
This allows you to copy some files of interest to a folder (local/network) and let ASP.NET write the UI (run time dynamically) to maintain a browsable interface.
by Retired Author
Lookup a domain name for any tld (top level domain)
by Retired Author
An article describing how to implement and test a mechanical trading system such as Ned Davis 4 percent model using a C# simulator.
by Retired Author
Extending the Windows.Forms.Label control.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates building a Windows Explorer shell extension using C# and COM Interop.
by Retired Author
Describes a practical use of the HTML interfaces available in C++.
by Retired Author
Hooking up C# objects with delegate events.
by Retired Author
An understanding of ActiveX controls.
by Retired Author
An architecture for extending the User Interface of a program via plug-in components.
by Retired Author
Accessing application level user interface elements from plug-in components.
by Retired Author
How to create an Internet Explorer favorites control.
by Retired Author
Creating the Visio custom menus and handling the click event from C# programs.This project requires that Visio application should run and it requires a default drawing to be open.
by Retired Author
An MC++ class that uses IJW to invoke the IShellLink interface
by Retired Author
This article describes on how to create bitmap regions for WinForms and buttons.
by Retired Author
An article on writing advanced collection-based Windows Forms Controls and the best way to give them advanced design-time support. Includes full C# source code for a sample toolbar-like control.
by Retired Author
An article on using .NET to create COM+ distributed components acting with a transaction across multiple databases.
by Retired Author
Creating custom shaped Windows Forms in .NET.
by Retired Author
This Article Show How to create a Creating DataGrid BoundColumn ButtonColumn HyperLinkColumn at Runtime in
by Retired Author
Shows how you can create windows that can be dragged around, not just through the title bar, but anywhere within the window body
by Retired Author
Extend the existing globalization capabilities of .NET to create flexible and powerful multilgual web sites. First, create a custom ResourceManager, and then create custom localized-capable server controls to easily deploy multilingual functionality.
by Retired Author
How to create a Self-Extracted executable with minimal overhead
by Retired Author
Apply a translucent watermark to a JPEG image using VB.NET.
by Retired Author
It's easy to create shortcuts using the Windows Script Host Object Model
by Retired Author
Using GDI+ functions to add cool stuff.
by Retired Author
Learn how to create your first Visual C# Windows application.
by Retired Author
An MDI MFC generated project has only one view by default, here is one way to add more CView derived classes and initiliaze them without adding any special initialization code.
by Retired Author
Tree is used for hierarchical display of data and permits you to create effective user interfaces while easing development and maintenance time.
by Retired Author
easy client and server side credit card validation
by Retired Author
Simple class to store application settings in registry
by Retired Author
An introduction to cross-language inheritence in .NET.
by Retired Author
Cross Language XML based Web Service Implementation between Managed C++ and C#.
by Retired Author
An article on how to create a server control that preserves the scroll position in longer pages.
by Retired Author
A self drawing, round button for different styles and usages.
by Retired Author
Cryptography in .NET using the Windows PKI
by Retired Author
Cryptography with symmetric key using bitmaps
by Retired Author
Control LCD connected to parallel port
by Retired Author
Simple utility for generating csc.exe command line options
by Retired Author
Display autoscrolling text with logo and patterned background. Useful for about dialogs, misc fluff.
by Retired Author
CSecureEditEx controls are resistant to password revealers. Passwords aren't visible in the process memory.
by Retired Author
The CSoundFileDlg Class allows you to use a file open dialog for sound files, but allows yow to hear the sound before open it.
by Retired Author
CSplashScreenEx allows to display a non rectangular bitmap with information about the init of your app
by Retired Author
A CDialog derived class that contains a floating toolbar.
by Retired Author
Add this small class to your existing dialog inheritance list and get nice tooltips on controls and dialog.
by Retired Author
This class implements a combo box that reads its data from an XML file, displays a tree as a drop down window, and supports mulitple selections.
by Retired Author
A custom MFC control that allows the user to manipulate 32-bit RGBA colour attributes.
by Retired Author
An article on writing Custom Authentication provider in ASP.NET
by Retired Author
Another simple custom button control with color and shape.
by Retired Author
Having problems changing app.config and web.config? Use your own settings class. Easy to add new keys and save to disk.
by Retired Author
Contains several ComboBoxes which uses Windows themes and contains ComboBoxes with CheckBoxed lists and TreeViews
by Retired Author
Sometimes we need to control the user input to some specific values. The following article explain how to do this with a TextBox
by Retired Author
Custom Controls Library (MaskEdit, Statusbar with Progress Panel, and more).
by Retired Author
A datagrid control with field chooser context menu
by Retired Author
Shows how to create a custom control based on the DataGrid control with progress column
by Retired Author
An owner draw implementation of a VB.NET treeview to show some bold text in nodes.
by Retired Author
This article helps you in defining the application specific culture at the startup time of your application.
by Retired Author
Implementing custom resource reader with database
by Retired Author
Create OpenGL Window using MFC in Visual Studio .NET
by Retired Author
An article describing the implementation of custom WSE 3.0 policy assertions for signing and encrypting SOAP messages with Username tokens.
by Retired Author
A progress bar control you can customize
by Retired Author
This is a customized ListView control having facility for sorting, finding an element in the list, selecting necessary rows from the list by using a checkbox, selecting all rows in the list and inverting the selection.
by Retired Author
Label which can display text in any orientation and shape.
by Retired Author
Create a fully integrated document window inside the Visual Studio IDE.
by Retired Author
How to customize VS.NET 2003 C# templates to accommodate default comments and Visual SourceSafe keywords.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to extend the default header control in a ListView in details mode.
by Retired Author
CvsIn add-in for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 and Visual Studio 2005.
by Retired Author
This class makes it easier to use the shell function SHBrowseForFolder
by Retired Author
A CStatic control with text wrapping, color, and transparency.
by Retired Author
Yet another wrapper for the ::BrowseForFolder function
by Retired Author
An Internet Explorer browser bar, which acts as a pseudo-debug output device
by Retired Author
Data Access Component - thin wrapper of ADO.NET eliminating the need for the transactional support provided by COM+, supplying a uniform interface to different data sources thus allowing for easy switching to another data source eventually
by Retired Author
Data Application Block for Firebird SQL intended to speed the development of applications
by Retired Author
C# implementation of data binding TreeView.
by Retired Author
A wrapper class for the Data Protection API
by Retired Author
Data form wizard for ASP.NET similar to that for the Windows applications.
by Retired Author
An extensible tool to package and deploy database schema objects
by Retired Author
Component that caches updates to a log and then persists them to a database on a timed interval.
by Retired Author
An article describing a way to find the differences between two database instances
by Retired Author
Applying DataGridTableStyle class In WinForm DataGrid control.
by Retired Author
A DataGrid printing class.
by Retired Author
Tutorial on the usage of Windows.Forms.DataGrid
by Retired Author
A utility class to ease adding CSS classes and confirmation dialogs to the ASP.NET DataGrid component.
by Retired Author
How to reduce DataGrid's ViewState size, while maintaining all DataGrid's functionalities.
by Retired Author
The DataPlotter is a .NET control for graphical display of 2D data. For both the X and Y axis a linear or logarithmic (any base) scaling can be selected.
by Retired Author
Handles DDE_EXECUTE messages
by Retired Author
The article briefly discusses deadlocks behavior, and presents an easy way to detect them.
by Retired Author
A console window class useful for debugging, reporting events during runtime and saving logs on disk.
by Retired Author
An application to visualize XPath Queries
by Retired Author
A simple DECIMAL wrapper class suitable for C++ code interfacing VB scripts/OLE automation code etc.
by Retired Author
Sometimes, it is nice to prototype up a simple database application. This code may help, by providing the automatic transactional model of COM+ in a non-COM+ environment. This example uses "Interception" to provide automatic transactioning support for non-COM+ classes.
by Retired Author
This message box delays its dismissal by disabling the OK button for a delay interval. It also has an optional auto-close feature. There are two versions, one uses a WH_CBT hook and some basic window tricks like sub-classing to achieve its goal. The other one is more MFC-ied.
by Retired Author
This article contains explanation of delegate concept.
by Retired Author
Teaches you about delegates using an example program
by Retired Author
Primer - The basics about delegates, how to define them and use them
by Retired Author
This sample demonstrates single- and multi-cast delegates using C++, including declaration, creation and usage, and a discussion on type safety.
by Retired Author
Build an assembly searching system via custom attributes and reflection.
by Retired Author
An add-in written in VB.NET to generate an inheritance and/or dependency graph of a c++-project. Uses the graphviz library from AT&T.
by Retired Author
An exploration of extending the iostreams framework through custom streams.
by Retired Author
Macros to write "Design by Contract" conditions in the header of the functions and inoculate it in your doxygen documentation automatically.
by Retired Author
A design patterns approach for designing and explaining a Storage Explorer application. The application is used to explore file composition in a computer storage.
by Retired Author
This article is expected to (1) Introduce patterns to you in a simple, human readable way (2) Train you how to really identify and apply patterns (3) Demonstrate step by step methods to solve a design problem using patterns
by Retired Author
A Wizard control designed for design time development.
by Retired Author
In this article, we will drill down deeper in to the design of a n-tier architecture and our focus will be on the data access tier (DAT)
by Retired Author
A tool for acessing CodeProject and have instant notifications of Codeproject's posts
by Retired Author
Comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients working with existing Service Oriented Architecture based XML web services, fully utilizing the Enterprise Library
by Retired Author
OutlookBar User Control in ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates different ways to move MFC based controls to .NET Windows Forms
by Retired Author
A way to Cache and Share data between processes
by Retired Author
A small utility to notify you by e-mail when ports on servers are not available.
by Retired Author
A complete class encapsulating a versatile HTML editor
by Retired Author
An article that discusses different ways of deploying ClickOnce
by Retired Author
Digital analog clock
by Retired Author
This article shows how to play a Media File in a C# Windows Application.
by Retired Author
DirectShow for DVD and file playback, capture and sample grabber
by Retired Author
An extension to the DirectX framework for adding backgrounds
by Retired Author
A library that can capture video stream and frame together
by Retired Author
A .NET class library for capturing video and audio to AVI files.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to use the NativeWindow object to take control of the message processing of a ListView's column header. This allows the programmer to intercept messages and prevent or respond to things like column resizing.
by Retired Author
Displaying , exporting and printing crystal reports in ASP.NET with source code.
by Retired Author
Displaying a balloon tool tip for a notification icon.
by Retired Author
Whether you are new to development, or coming from Visual Basic, C++, Java, or Delphi, managing forms in WinForms can be initially confusing. This is an article targeted at beginners in WinForms programming to demonstrate how to easily manage and work with forms in a WinForms application.
by Retired Author
Do it yourself intellisense/autocompletion.
by Retired Author
A debugging tool for applications using multiple DLLs.
by Retired Author
How to create DLLs and use them.
by Retired Author
Extend the .NET framework power with DotNetX - free libraries that allow you to generate code, cache database objects, etc.
by Retired Author
Windows Messenger like GUI for net send command
by Retired Author
A simple stress tester for .NET
by Retired Author
Simple example about Double Buffering with GDI+
by Retired Author
An article that describes a way to subclass controls that are already subclassed (double), The example includes a runtime form editor
by Retired Author
An inspired implementation of a doubly-linked list in C# for the .NET Framework.
by Retired Author
A component to download files over the network with support for proxies, SSL and resume.
by Retired Author
This is basically an article which demonstrates the Drag & Drop operation in a TreeView.
by Retired Author
An introduction to drag and drop in .NET
by Retired Author
Reorder TabPages in a TabControl through drag and drop.
by Retired Author
A treeview that has drag and drop built in.
by Retired Author
An extenderprovider for dragging functionality.
by Retired Author
Program that draw objects using the concept of multithreading
by Retired Author
A drop-in replacement for the DrawText() SDK function with minimal HTML support
by Retired Author
This is an article about drawing a bar chart for a given set of values.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to design a dynamic chart in C#.
by Retired Author
Drawing a self-erasing line or a rubber-band line from a base-point to the current mouse point in GDI+ seemed to be impossible - here's how to do it.
by Retired Author
Drawing, Positioning and resizing the Boxes with double buffering
by Retired Author
Drawing Graphics fast with DirectDraw than with GDI
by Retired Author
Ownerdrawn ComboBox that dispays all logical drives with appropriate icon, volume name and drive letter
by Retired Author
OK, Cancel, Yes and No buttons that set their own Text, Name, DialogResult and Accept/Cancel status
by Retired Author
The problem of displaying a tool tip against a control in a div
by Retired Author
How to understand more about certain objects' implementation details
by Retired Author
A managed DirectX class library that can be used as a foundation for basic 2D games. Demo included.
by Retired Author
An article on dynamic dialog boxes and ListView control.
by Retired Author
A dynamic embossed text progress control that uses no resource file
by Retired Author
The article mainly focuses on the problem faced in jobs portal to provide the mechanism to employers/recruiters to search job seeker’s uploaded and created resumes on the basis of given template, and vice versa for the job seekers to search the jobs on the basis of the specified criteria.
by Retired Author
Workaround to specify a desired channel for connecting to a remote object
by Retired Author
Using Vector and double linked list to create trees
by Retired Author
Dynamically create menus whose structure is defined in an Access database.
by Retired Author
Setting the Screen Resolution in C#
by Retired Author
Detect Hardware Faults and Unauthorized In-Memory Patches with Hashing using Crypto++
by Retired Author
Using an ASP.NET Web application to access your database remotely.
by Retired Author
A simple class to dynamically add DSN-names to your system.
by Retired Author
To adjust the size of the drop-down list dynamically at the client-side and adding back-ground and fore-ground color to the drop-down list.
by Retired Author
How to dynamically create controls in an ASP.NET page.
by Retired Author
A method for loading a DataGrid with controls at runtime, and later allowing DataSet updates.
by Retired Author
Dynamically loading a User Control on a webform using PlaceHolder control.
by Retired Author
Any user who works with database updates uses transactions. Transactions in ADO.NET are done using a transaction object, and a try..catch, but there is an easier, one might even say a more C# way to handle database transactions.
by Retired Author
The Easy Installer program
by Retired Author
A class for easily capturing screen and printing to default printer
by Retired Author
An ASP.NET Hit Counter control that's *very easy* to use.
by Retired Author
A component to enable performance testing and timing of code in .NET.
by Retired Author
Presents the EchoStream class and demonstrates its use.
by Retired Author
Fax Editor is a light weight VB.NET application. It only handles multi frame .tiff editing.
by Retired Author
How to check for new program versions using XML / PAD files.
by Retired Author
Media audio player with 3D and 2D effects and skinning.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates effective data processing of ADO recordset objects in C++ via Safe Arrays provided by method GetRows.
by Retired Author
Fast matrix expressions evaluation, based on dynamic code generation and partial evaluation
by Retired Author
A basic algorithm for drawing ellipses on a window
by Retired Author
String generator for wild characters.
by Retired Author
cpSphere.Mail is a comprehensive and extendable implementation of MIME, POP and SMTP RFCs. This is architected to provide a framework for all email related development. This component could be used with default options with less or no knowledge of underlying MIME, POP, SMTP protocols.
by Retired Author
How to emebd and use Win32 resources with a C# program
by Retired Author
How to use arbitrary controls in ListView cells.
by Retired Author
Enable DataList row highliting and Click event postback using non-display button and databinding technique.
by Retired Author
Enable Debug.Assert under ASP.NET just like under windows Forms
by Retired Author
There is a problem exporting accented characters in plain text files. You need to encode, but which one?
by Retired Author
WTL and console applications based on ATL implementation of Cryptography
by Retired Author
Encryption & Decryption of Connection Strings inside the Web.config in ASP.NET 2.0
by Retired Author
A .NET SymmetricAlgorithm security class wrapper for in memory encryption/decryption with a private key
by Retired Author
Encryption/Decryption with .NET
by Retired Author
Modified version of Frank Fang's code ported to VB and made CCW.
by Retired Author
This article uses Windows APIs to kill any application with a system menu
by Retired Author
Extends DataGrid Functionalities
by Retired Author
A set of C# classes that work around issues with the standard EventLog object
by Retired Author
Enhanced PictureBox control with area selectability.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to test an Active Directory connection and enumerate all objects based upon some filters.
by Retired Author
Two oft-overlooked value types that C# offers and where they can be used
by Retired Author
This is a very Useful DLL I use it to parse equations online.
by Retired Author
How to write all your errors when using Console.Error to an XML file.
by Retired Author
A simple utility to provide remote, organized access to the system Event Log messages.
by Retired Author
An article on event notification for operations on large streams...
by Retired Author
Events and Delegates - A real time approach.
by Retired Author
How to edit the properties of the inherited control in the form in design time.
by Retired Author
The articles describes a C# library for evolution computations and their application for several problems solving.
by Retired Author
Examining the assembly listing generated by the C++ compiler
by Retired Author
A set of classes to measure your code's execution time.
by Retired Author
This article explains how to enumerate all the objects in a Portable Executable and manipulate them.
by Retired Author
EXIFextractor library to extract EXIF information.
by Retired Author
Yet another password manager.
by Retired Author
A C# complex number and FFT library.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to reap the benefits of the ASP.NET Repeater control while at the same time be able to design your item templates in Visual Studio's WYSIWYG editors; instead of hand-writing the HTML.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to write a column handler shell extension for Explorer's 'Detail' view using C#
by Retired Author
Code that exports a whole DataGrid into an Excel file.
by Retired Author
An article on exporting Crystal Reports in different formats.
by Retired Author
A method of calling .NET functions from a COM enabled non .NET environment through a COM callable wrapper
by Retired Author
This article describes how to build a Windows Forms control in C# and expose it as an ActiveX control
by Retired Author
DateTime Picker allows blank display when no data entered.
by Retired Author
To detemine multiplicative inverse.
by Retired Author
An Extended ImageIndexConverter and ImageIndexEditor for user control.
by Retired Author
Adding an extended property to Menus in order to provide automatic statusbar messages as the user chooses different menu options
by Retired Author
This extension allows toolbar buttons to call functions automatically
by Retired Author
Extend the ASP.NET runtime by creating custom build providers for custom project resources.
by Retired Author
Use existing functionality in ASP.NET to extend the framework's web controls.
by Retired Author
Walks you through the implementation of an Explorer bar with the help of BandObject base class. Describes implementation details of the BandObject class.
by Retired Author
An article that describes a possible approach to extending Microsoft's Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Client to use seamless windows.
by Retired Author
How to extend the features of Windows Task Manager using DLL injection.
by Retired Author
How to extend the axWebbrowser's events in VB.NET.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to extend the ListBox to show more complex items - for example, items with image and text areas.
by Retired Author
Extending user control and IDE Toolbox
by Retired Author
This article is about installable transport connections
by Retired Author
The article presents the design of a WebService consisting of a general part and add-ins to process user's requests of different types. Such architecture simplifies dedicated add-ins allowing them to share general part facilities.
by Retired Author
Shows how to extract RSS feeds from Web pages.
by Retired Author
This article presents a technique to access parts of a ZIP archive stored on a Web Server.
by Retired Author
Highly optimized classes for looking up the country code corresponding to an IP address
by Retired Author
A game written using Visual C++ and DirectX.
by Retired Author
An article on the implementation of a fast C++ delegate with many advanced features.
by Retired Author
Guide to writing a very fast interprocess communication class. This article describes a method of IPC that requires no locking or thread sync.
by Retired Author
Performs VC6-style dependency checking for VS .NET multi-project solution builds
by Retired Author
A small utility which refreshes the icons in your IE favorites menu
by Retired Author
File Encryption Utility based on Blowfish Encryption Algorithm.
by Retired Author
.NET command line utility, implementing file security through symmetric encryption.
by Retired Author
Get and put files in your web server using Web Services
by Retired Author
Simple File Splitter / Joiner utility that demonstrates FCL and Winforms UI processing
by Retired Author
Most of the programmers who have transitioned from ASP to ASP.NET still use the loop-and-create method for displaying contents of a specific folder. In this demo I am going to show you how to use the File System Objects, a DataGrid and a DataTable to accomplish this task.
by Retired Author
A simple tool for collecting files, written in C#, with shell32 support.
by Retired Author
A FilesystemTree view control in VB.NET. Developed with VS.NET, using the namespace
by Retired Author
An article on a filterable Grid for ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
Sometimes its tedious to find all calls made to different stored procedures within a stored procedure and generate reports in case we have large databases. This tool is aimed to script all SPs and extract SP calls made with additional information such as author name and description.
by Retired Author
This article is discussing the performance problems found in the most notable find_first_of implementations and suggests useful improvements and workarounds.
by Retired Author
An article showing how to display the sp_who info and sort on a column.
by Retired Author
Fancy control simulating a LED light by rewriting the Paint method. A good set of properties allows all kind of flash effects.
by Retired Author
A simple educational flash card program that uses xml files for its word source
by Retired Author
How to change the default 3D look in Windows 9x, NT and WinXP classic appearance menus
by Retired Author
A flat style combobox in VB.NET
by Retired Author
Flattening a Hierarchy using a producer thread to get all files in a folder and subfolders.
by Retired Author
A very flexible MaskTextbox control
by Retired Author
An article to describe the ways to avoid flicker when drawing.
by Retired Author
This dynamically reziable control does not flicker. The article describes the problem and the technique used to solve the flickering.
by Retired Author
Sample code on how to create flicker-free graphics with GDI+.
by Retired Author
This article discusses a couple of ways to reduce flicker in the .NET Listview.
by Retired Author
This article discusses the problems with the .NET ListView and offers a solution to fix those problems.
by Retired Author
A component that provides shell folder browsing dialog to .NET applications
by Retired Author
An article on how to use the .NET TreeView and Directory Info object to construct a folder selection dialog.
by Retired Author
Folder, drive, directory browser application.
by Retired Author
A set of classes which can get differences between two folders and which can synchronize them according to basic rules
by Retired Author
A simple explorer-like FolderTreeView control for C#
by Retired Author
A fully owner drawn ComboBox derived class for enumerating and choosing fonts
by Retired Author
Allows easy saving and loading of form and control's position and size.
by Retired Author
A component class that restores a form's placement (location, size and state) to what it was when it was last closed.
by Retired Author
Smart string formatting and other string utilities
by Retired Author
An article that demonstrates row formatting and adding custom styles to the designer.
by Retired Author
A C++ component to generate cryptographically secure pseudo random numbers using the Fortuna Algorithm
by Retired Author
A C# translation of the 'Starting Point' example in Chapter 1 of "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code", by Martin Fowler.
by Retired Author
FrameControl is a framework that contains the code common for most of the web applications.
by Retired Author
A collection of examples on how to use C# in one application
by Retired Author
Free revision-/version-control selection tool, SCCPortal.
by Retired Author
This article shows the insides of the freecell and hearts games, it uses the a library of reading and writing another process memory.
by Retired Author
(Free Document Object Model) is a web development technique used for creating event driven web applications. FreeDOM is designed to overcome the limitations of stateless HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) transmissions.
by Retired Author
A Frogger clone written in C#. Using doublebuffering timers and other technics.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates how to create strong types in C# by using the Xsd.exe utility and XML.
by Retired Author
Create a FrontPage-Style table picker in C# using simple GDI+ rendering techniques.
by Retired Author
An FTP component and sample FTP client, in C#.
by Retired Author
A .NET FTP component
by Retired Author
Indexing Server, SQL Server, Windows SharePoint Services, SharePoint Portal Server, Exchange Server and Windows Desktop Search provide full-text search capabilities. Each utilizes the so called IFilter components to index the content and then allows clients to search the index.
by Retired Author
Vertical/horizontal Marquee Web Custom Control consuming SQL Server DB/XML, with great design time attributes.
by Retired Author
A gravity simulation particle system
by Retired Author
A write up that tries to highlight some of the pros and cons of both these exceptional features provided in the object oriented arena of C++.
by Retired Author
Loads a 3D scene from Maya exported GE2 file/files.
by Retired Author
Slider control class to perform gamma correction.
by Retired Author
Scrollable ASP.NET Gantt Chart / Event Calendar / Calendar Planner web control.
by Retired Author
In this article, I show a library and its use to display Gantt diagrams in .NET Windows Applications.
by Retired Author
An article about IDisposable and the Garbage Collector in .NET.
by Retired Author
A quick introduction to Garbage collection in .NET using Managed C++
by Retired Author
A templated helper class that performs GDI+ initialization/deinitialization, and takes care of double-buffering/caching
by Retired Author
This Sample demonstrates basic drawing techniques using GDI+ in a Managed C++ application.
by Retired Author
Embed a C++ compiler in your project, use C++ as a compiled "scripting" language!
by Retired Author
A slightly more intelligent random string generator.
by Retired Author
How to generate a ListViewItem from an object using an XML schema.
by Retired Author
An add-in for Visual Studio to generate properties automatically.
by Retired Author
This article provides an alternative method of accessing string resources in a C# project by generating access classes for each resource identifier.
by Retired Author
A novel way to create complex line patterns
by Retired Author
This article presents a utility written in Visual Basic .NET that generates a C# or VB.NET source file from a .resx or .resources file. The resulting class enables compile-time checking of resource string identifier names and the numbers of format items.
by Retired Author
VB.NET code for webpage to ask to download calendar items. Can be used for any calendars that supports vCalendar such as Outlook.
by Retired Author
Generating XP style webparts from a web control
by Retired Author
Seemless NFA to DFA transfers with GraphViz graphing integration
by Retired Author
Generic voting poll web application for conducting polls from your website.
by Retired Author
This article explains how to create a web user control and trap its events.
by Retired Author
The article describes the retrieval of one's public IP address and geo location and possibly assigning it to one's Skype profile.
by Retired Author
Through the .NET Framework you can easily get the current user name to authenticate.
by Retired Author
This article shows an implementation of the main TCP/UDP functions of the IP Helper API that is used to get info about active connections including the process attached to a connection
by Retired Author
IP, protocols installed, some useful informations
by Retired Author
Ever wrote #define TRACE, #define TRACE1, #define TRACE2, etc., just so you could use the __FILE__ macro and printf style formatting in a macro at the same time?
by Retired Author
How to get local groups and members with Win32 API in C#
by Retired Author
The standard framework won't tell when the scrollbar moved or what position it is at. This code gives you that control.
by Retired Author
Introduction to Socket programming
by Retired Author
This article talks about basics of event logging followed by the implementation details of how we can log messages effectively by using a custom log-file, event sources and event categories. Finally, it mentions the usefullness of troubleshooting links in error messages.
by Retired Author
Getting the network adaptor MAC address with WMI
by Retired Author
This article provides some information on how to write standalone desktop applications with Web look. It also provides a framework to simplify the task.
by Retired Author
Creating an OpenGL GLUI-style spinner.
by Retired Author
A Gmail Notifier dialog control, to use with any app, just like a baloon tooltip.
by Retired Author
Creates a Visual Studio 2003 add-in to return back to a previous location.
by Retired Author
A replacement for BEGIN_MSG_MAP macros, using the Boost.MPL library.
by Retired Author
A very simple client program that uses Google's web service
by Retired Author
This article discusses the usage of a custom class that caches custom images. The class, GraphicsBuffer, is best used to cache visual states for controls without concern for control flicker and unnecessary processor usage.
by Retired Author
A GraphSheet control in .NET, using GDI+ and the System.Drawing namespace
by Retired Author
Introduction to building GRETA in Visual C++.
by Retired Author
Group control with MS Messenger Style
by Retired Author
An ASP.NET application written from the ground up, that presents a guestbook.
by Retired Author
This article explains the potential problems with having multiple pending recvs calls on a single socket.
by Retired Author
This atricle looks at some problems and solutions for using multiple views on a single data set in the C# and .NET framework.
by Retired Author
Named critical section and named spin lock - you may find it useful for debugging complex applications.
by Retired Author
Introduction to pointers - If you have no idea what are they and how to use them, read this!
by Retired Author
This article explains how to use CLinkedListDouble template class. This template is a thread safe implementation of double link list.
by Retired Author
This article explains how to use CLinkedListSingle template class. This template is a thread safe implementation of single link list.
by Retired Author
Illustrates a simple subclass of a Windows.Forms.GroupBox control to paint only the header
by Retired Author
This class takes care of the child window placement when you resize an MFC dialog. Also stores the size in the Registry for the next call.
by Retired Author
This article is about a program which helps you convert numeric value from decimal to hexadecimal representation and vice versa.
by Retired Author
Two techniques for hiding properties, inherited from base controls, from the PropertyGrid.
by Retired Author
Code to hide the Crystal Report Viewer's statusbar.
by Retired Author
Code to hide the Crystal Report Viewer's statusbar.
by Retired Author
Highlighting important dates in the Calendar control.
by Retired Author
Combines textbox, multi-validation and response labels in one control. Allows textbox to do self checking and self error response messages. Control can protect against SQL injection attacks and client script attacks with a special character set property.
by Retired Author
Best practices for screensaver coding/distribution.
by Retired Author
A system wide api source code for windows api hook developpers
by Retired Author
Component which you can add to your project that allow you to add items horizontal to a ListView component.
by Retired Author
This article describes getting a custom horizontal scroll bar in a combobox or a listbox with functionality as expected on pressing of up or down arrow keys.
by Retired Author
Uses the Internet Explorer / MSHTML hosting interfaces to embed and manipulate the WebBrowser control.
by Retired Author
A C# client library for access Hotmail using the undocumented HTTPMail protocol.
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates how to use object as items in combobox and listbox and manipulate them.
by Retired Author
Some tips to improve efficiency of your web application
by Retired Author
An article describing the step-by-step process of adding basic OpenGL support to an ATL control
by Retired Author
How to add other controls to DataGrid?
by Retired Author
Tips on how to add tooltips to controls on windows form in the .NET framework
by Retired Author
This article provides a small executable (36K) which configures MySQL (or another Windows Service) to automatically restart whenever it fails/crashes.
by Retired Author
How to avoid stubborn Windows applications from showing up.
by Retired Author
This is a quick guide on how to create your own customizable clock control
by Retired Author
Allows you to easily manage your Session without casting, and removes redundant code.
by Retired Author
How to capture image and print the MSChart.
by Retired Author
Password Changer - A reusable tool for changing a user password's remotely.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to setup default values of the value type fields in the .NET class using the Custom Attribute from the Application Assembly or Config file.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates how to call ASP.NET webservices from the client within other languages and platforms
by Retired Author
An article on converting a Collection Base to a DataSet.
by Retired Author
A pair of classes (no mfc) that can be used for tcp/ip _and_ serial communication.
by Retired Author
An easy-to-use example of how to create a DLL library in C and then use it with C#.
by Retired Author
This article will walk you through the steps required to create a form that fades in upon activation and fades out upon deactivation.
by Retired Author
This article explains how to create a NT Service also known as a Windows Service using C++ with Managed Extensions.
by Retired Author
A simple example of using the DirectoryServices namespace in .NET
by Retired Author
This article describes how to create an SMTP Trace Listener for use with .NET diagnostics
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to use microsoft Outlook appointments. I used a version of the code to put reminders in for my family members.
by Retired Author
Automaticaly create Windows installer patches.
by Retired Author
This is to understand and impliment user define window mesages, and how to pass arguments through message
by Retired Author
This article describes how we can customize the contextual menus of the WebBrowser control, by implementing the IDocHostUIHandler.
by Retired Author
Dealing with Registry to Save and Load My Application Settings and to modify Windows Functions
by Retired Author
An article explaining how to develop a screensaver in C#, with a ready-to-code-screensaver source.
by Retired Author
Article shows a very simple but powerful way to use Cascading Master Pages design pattern in .NET without using Custom Controls.
by Retired Author
Disabling Selected Dates in Calendar
by Retired Author
This Article shows how to display a splash screen during your application initialization.
by Retired Author
Explains the usage of WebRequest, WebResponse and related classes.
by Retired Author
This article illustrates how to get the text out of an HTML resource.
by Retired Author
How to find current ApplicationContext at run time.
by Retired Author
A tip on how you can get list of tables in your database
by Retired Author
Here, I will explain some of the best ways to get the most out of the macros in Visual Studio.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to group radio-buttons when using them in DataGrid, DataList, Repeater etc.
by Retired Author
XForms is an important recommendation from the W3C that enables complex XML-handling applications to be defined in a simple, declarative syntax. This article demonstrates how you can leverage this power in your own applications.
by Retired Author
Shows how to derive a class from ComboBox and add an Auto-Complete feature to it. The example uses Managed C++.
by Retired Author
This article demonstrates how to hide RadioButtonList or CheckBoxList ListItems in ASP.NET without creating your own custom web control
by Retired Author
A tutorial on how to create a Windows service application and host remoting object in the service application
by Retired Author
How to implement a scrollable child dialog
by Retired Author
An article with code on how to create the Alpha effect (fading in and out effect). Starts with the application of alpha on images, and ends with the creation of alpha animation. This is NOT about the Per Pixel Alpha Blend used in Windows.
by Retired Author
This article will show you how to implement two basics uses of the ASP.NET Login control (2.0), The login task itself to validate the users who’s trying to access your web site. In addition i will show how to implement the REMEMBERME process using cookies to save the user name inside the user PC
by Retired Author
A simple solution to keeping multiple projects version numbers in sync
by Retired Author
An article explaining how to link your home database in your C# application.
by Retired Author
How to load/display images in a form in C#, explained with the code of a complete image viewer application
by Retired Author
We can make a class sealed without sealed keyword
by Retired Author
How to make a shared object and then reading it from memory rather than from a database
by Retired Author
How to make a simple WebService and consume it
by Retired Author
Fixing NameValueSectionHandler using reflection and using it seamlessly.
by Retired Author
you want to display some text in your application and side-by-side you want to prevent the user from copying the content. . One way to implement this use label, but label do not support the formatting of the text and RTF formats.
by Retired Author
The given article is for developers of components for .NET platform, which support internationalization. The article will also be useful for those who are working with .NET, using resource files and functions like String.Format.
by Retired Author
A class can operate on HTML in reusing Web browser.
by Retired Author
How to implement an Icon Overlay identifier.
by Retired Author
Use Process class to spawn many processes and keep an eye when they finish.
by Retired Author
An article on how to pass managed objects through MSMQ to queued components.
by Retired Author
How to Find Directory Path before and after setup wizard deployment
by Retired Author
How to use ValueMember with ADO.NET.
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to create a skinnable scrollbar as a user control, and use it in a Panel to replace the ugly Windows scrollbar.
by Retired Author
Shows how to find the exception that kills the designer
by Retired Author
Program to test the availability of hosts in a network on the basis of ICMP-Pings.
by Retired Author
How to upload an image using ASP.NET for beginners
by Retired Author
This article explains how using caching within your Windows Forms application can speed up data access for frequently used data and avoid performance bottlenecks over the network.
by Retired Author
Implement interface between two existing DLL Library in a VBA Host MFC application.
by Retired Author
An article on GDI+ and how to save image in WMF, EXIF or EMF format.
by Retired Author
An article explaining how to use Microsoft agents in a C# application
by Retired Author
Interface of Microsoft Indexing Service with our application...
by Retired Author
This article explains how to use Process Class in Managed C++ applications
by Retired Author
A tutorial on how to incorporate the ErrorProvider object into .NET WinForms using C#
by Retired Author
Using Winsock UDP to set system clock.
by Retired Author
Describes how to create a custom action DLL and implement serial number or PID validation in dialog based setups created with VS.NET.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to work with assemblies in InstallShield Developer 7.0.
by Retired Author
In this article we will see how to write a HatchStyle dropdown.
by Retired Author
Creating a custom good looking Submit button.
by Retired Author
Classes to parse HTML parts into an object tree and back
by Retired Author
This article shows how to take control of the content browsed in web pages while surfing
by Retired Author
A C# program which takes a HTML file as input and outputs a new file with a table of contents embedded.
by Retired Author
HTML to Database converter Application in VB.NET
by Retired Author
Tool to retrieve the header and source file from a URL.
by Retired Author
Control that shows text and automatically finds and highlights hyperlinks (like http://, www. etc.) so that user can click on them.
by Retired Author
IBM Messenger in VB.NET.
by Retired Author
This is an icon specific ImageList that handles icon sizes properly and enables easy themed icon creation, using effects and layers like Photoshop.
by Retired Author
Advanced IE toolbar, using .NET band objects, for navigation and login with a single click.
by Retired Author
Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system
by Retired Author
How to perform simple web image annotation using ASP.NET.
by Retired Author
A simple utility to quickly resize images
by Retired Author
The first in a series of articles which will build an image processing library in C# and GDI+
by Retired Author
The second in a series of articles which will build an image processing library in C# and GDI+.
by Retired Author
The third in a series of articles which will build an image processing library in C# and GDI+
by Retired Author
The fourth installment covers how to write a filter that resizes an image, and uses bilinear filtering
by Retired Author
In the fifth installment, we build a framework for generating filters that work by changing a pixel's location, rather than colour.
by Retired Author
This Article Help you to Build an Image Processing Library in C#
by Retired Author
Rotates an image without having to worry about cropping the edges.
by Retired Author
To generate random alphanumeric numbers in image format for image verification.
by Retired Author
Assigning disabled image to ImageButton Control
by Retired Author
ImageConverter allows images to be resized and written to a selected image format.
by Retired Author
A control that exposes a custom object collection as a property that may be edited by the VS.NET Forms Designer and supports localization
by Retired Author
Have you ever wanted to display an image list which looks like the MSN Messenger emoticon chooser...
by Retired Author
It allows calls to server events from client script code without causing the page to post back and refresh.
by Retired Author
Details five ways to implement a class factory in C#.
by Retired Author
The article describes an efficient way to implement delegates in C++ using Signal and Slot pattern.
by Retired Author
.NET implementation of SpamAssassin's network client.
by Retired Author
This article tells how you can implement a DAL which is provider independant.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to create an OwnerDrawn combobox
by Retired Author
Implementing Audit trail using trigger
by Retired Author
Here you will know how to implement a pattern which will allow you to handle events on different levels of the object hierarchy.
by Retired Author
Shows how you can call native API functions that require callbacks using IJW, and without the use of DllImport attribute. The technique allows you to pass a delegate as the callback function just as in the MS recommended manner except, I show you how to do this without the ugly DllImport attribute.
by Retired Author
Tutorial on creating your own collection classes that are enumerable and sortable. Explains in detail the usage of the IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IComparable and IComparer interfaces
by Retired Author
This article shows an easy way of implementing the Observer pattern in VB.NET
by Retired Author
Instructions on implementing Perl map and grep with C# 2.0.
by Retired Author
Implementing properties on c++ objects
by Retired Author
Using composites to implement a modular arithmetic calculator with the Boost Spirit parser framework.
by Retired Author
This article shows you how to implement the Factory pattern using attributes and activation.
by Retired Author
This tutorial explains a general method for implementing Undo / Redo functionality in an MFC application. The technique allows you to save and cycle undo/redo states within and between editing sessions.
by Retired Author
This articles explains how to implement thread pooling in applications.
by Retired Author
This is an improvement by Francesco Natali over an improvement by Sajith M of the "Visual Studio .NET Menu Style" by Carlos H. Perez
by Retired Author
Introduces a simple, efficient, human-readable XML index called VTD+XML.
by Retired Author
This application provides the underlying framework to create your own panels on this side bar, and then freely distribute it to your own audience. Included in the existing application are the following panels: Stocks, Internet search, Weather, News, Dictionary, Sports, and Messenger.
by Retired Author
This article shows how to create a Windows.Forms control by using C#.
by Retired Author
A look at the advanced features of IBF 1.5.
by Retired Author
Extend generated Strong Typed Datasets, add your own business-specific functionality to a real DataSet object. Binding to forms and updating to a database is all done by the .NET Framework. This is built on Shawn Wildermuth's a.k.a. ADO Guy's DataSetGenerator.
by Retired Author
An INI file handling class that wraps the API functions from KERNEL32.dll
by Retired Author
Permits simple access to ini files
by Retired Author
There are a few differences in the processing of code-behind and single-file pages.
by Retired Author
This article describes how to programmatically insert text and images into a RichTextBox at runtime.
by Retired Author
This article will examine the String class, some of its simple methods, and its range of formatting specifiers.
by Retired Author
This article is about some inner workings and the behavior of Windows handles.
by Retired Author
This article introduces the concept behind Principal and Indentity objects in .NET and proposes a security model adopting these objects in a .NET application.
by Retired Author
Create Semi-Anonymous Installation Fingerprints Using Truncated Hashing and Crypto++
by Retired Author
How to switch language on the form instantly.
by Retired Author
An article on how to leverage .NET to integrate Help into your applications.
by Retired Author
Integrated online quiz app with graphical score report. Users can bookmark questions in order to review in the end.
by Retired Author
Demonstrates integrating DHTML into MFC Views, and using HTML in views to get feedback from the browser via connection points
by Retired Author
IPC using custom windows messanging by win32 api
by Retired Author
This Demo show how to create shaped form and customized buttons using the Region, GraphicsPath and picture class
by Retired Author
A solution managing InterBase DB's with C# .NET
by Retired Author
An article about intercepting WinAPI calls.
by Retired Author
This article expands on my previous article and introduces recordset operations and database entry operations.
by Retired Author
Using the OleDbDataAdapter and OleDbCommands objects to consume OLE DB providers
by Retired Author
Site Search Engine searches an entire page and also dynamic pages for matching keyword(s) or a phrase and will count how many times the keyword(s) or phrase are found on the page, and displays the results with the highest matches first.
by Retired Author
A general overview of Internet technologies including what the Internet actually is, what HTML and XML are, using Web forms, CGI/MIME, IIS ISAPI, ASP and creating HTML based front ends to databases via ODBC32, OLE DB, ADO and ASP.NET
by Retired Author
Write web macro agents with plugin libraries for data processing
by Retired Author
A simple BitConverter class that is capable of reading and writing Intel 80-bit long doubles.
by Retired Author
Looking for multiple file output support from a single template in one pass? Then look no further.
by Retired Author
A brief introduction into Windows anti-debugging techniques.
by Retired Author
This article gives you an introduction to .NET's DataSets and how you can use them with XML files
by Retired Author
An elementary introduction to inheritance, polymorphism in C# using simple code snippets
by Retired Author
An attempt to get a beginner started on Managed C++
by Retired Author
Writing NAnt scripts for NDoc, FxCop,NUnit. and NCoverage.
by Retired Author
Introduction to managing diagnostic traces with NLog.
by Retired Author
If you want to begin ADO.NET,start it from here
by Retired Author
Provide drag and drop functionalitly to TreeView controls.
by Retired Author
An overview of the latest Java language tools from Microsoft.
by Retired Author
This "Space Invaders" - like game was ported to C# using the new DirectX9 to demonstrate the ease of managed DirectX.
by Retired Author
Invoking methods at runtime on method name, using the Reflection.MethodInfo class.
by Retired Author
How to invoke Web Services with Visual C++ .NET
by Retired Author
IoBind proposes a new approach to object serialization.
by Retired Author
Showing how to extend iostreams in order to stream custom types
by Retired Author
An exploration of extending the iostreams framework through stream modifiers
by Retired Author
A class library for an easy submission of IP Address, Port Number and Subnet Mask
by Retired Author
Sends local computer's network information to a remote computer via email.
by Retired Author
Retrieve TCP/IP/UDP statistics, interface details, ARP table, and Route table.
by Retired Author
A class for holding a list of IP numbers, which you can check new IP numbers against.