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Articles by Michael_Haephrati (Articles: 10)

Articles: 10

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Average article rating: 4.98

13 Sep 2013   Updated: 30 Aug 2022   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 4.23
Licence: CPOL    Views: 22,896     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 0
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Michael Haephrati describes how a hardware copy protection dongle was developed.
5 Jun 2012   Updated: 5 Jun 2012   Rating: 4.90/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.68
Licence: CPOL    Views: 56,735     Bookmarked: 12   Downloaded: 64
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How a computer can be identified in order to generate a unique ID.
10 Sep 2013   Updated: 10 Sep 2013   Rating: 4.86/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 4.10
Licence: CPOL    Views: 11,714     Bookmarked: 7   Downloaded: 0
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How Target Eye's Auto updating mechanism allows a silent update of an application from identifying newer versions, downloading them and running them instead of the old one
10 Sep 2013   Updated: 10 Sep 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 3.89
Licence: CPOL    Views: 17,085     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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Michael Haephrati describes Target Eye screen capturing mechanism
13 Sep 2013   Updated: 13 Sep 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 3.89
Licence: CPOL    Views: 18,149     Bookmarked: 5   Downloaded: 0
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Michael Haephrati describes the Shopping List and how it is used
13 Sep 2013   Updated: 13 Sep 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 4.23
Licence: CPOL    Views: 33,757     Bookmarked: 5   Downloaded: 0
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Michael Haephrati explains how keyboard capturing should be done
4 Oct 2013   Updated: 4 Oct 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 13,009     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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An example of a small and easy to implement monitoring application
28 Aug 2013   Updated: 28 Aug 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 4.52
Licence: CPOL    Views: 25,523     Bookmarked: 10   Downloaded: 0
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Developing NT services compatible with today's limitations
4 Oct 2013   Updated: 4 Oct 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 16,199     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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Why the creation of a cover story a mandatory part of any covert monitoring product and how Target Eye handled it
13 Sep 2013   Updated: 13 Sep 2013   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 3.01
Licence: CPOL    Views: 17,363     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 0
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Michael Haephrati brings a new angle to some questions about today's Internet

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Michael Haephrati
United States United States
Michael Haephrati, born in 1964, an entrepreneur, inventor and a musician. Haephrati worked on many ventures starting from HarmonySoft, designing Rashumon, the first Graphical Multi-lingual word processor for Amiga computer.

Worked with Amdocs and managed several software projects, among them one for the Ministry of Tourism in New Zealand. During 1995-1996 he worked as a Contractor with Apple at Cupertino. After returning to Israel, worked as a Project Manager with Top Image Systems (mostly with JCC, Nicosia), and then at a research institute made the fist steps developing the credit scoring field in Israel. He founded Target Scoring and developed a credit scoring system named ThiS, based on geographical statistical data, participating VISA CAL, Isracard, Bank Leumi and Bank Discount (Target Scoring, being the VP Business Development of a large Israeli institute).
During 2000, he founded Target Eye, and developed the first remote PC surveillance and monitoring system, named Target Eye.

Other ventures included: Data Cleansing (as part of the DataTune system which was implemented in many organizations.

Also a Code Project Member since Sunday, March 16, 2003 (10 years, 5 months)
20 Sep 2013: Best C++ article of August 2013
25 Jan 2013: Code Project - Best C++ article of December 2012
31 Dec 2012: CodeProject MVP 2013