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24 Apr 2012Silviu Gologan
Learn how to deploy an application on a Smartphone
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24 Apr 2012Ilya Verbitskiy
This article describes how to provide full text search using Microsoft Indexing Service in .NET applications.
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18 Apr 2012Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article presents a JScript/WMI/WSH script - the core of any inventory management application.
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6 Dec 2012Marc Clifton
Some tips on writing a decent article.
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12 Apr 2012Adrian_Moore
Introduction to Peer Name Resolution and Microsoft's Peer-to-Peer technology.
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12 Apr 2012fraudlabs
solution to prevent chargebacks and to reduce fraud for online merchants
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12 Apr 2012Joseph M. Newcomer
Explains misconceptions about timing in Windows.
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12 Apr 2012Lubna Luxmi Chowdhry
Cluster is a term meaning independent computers combined into a unified system through software and networking. Clusters are typically used for High Availability for greater reliability or High Performance Computing to provide greater computational power than a single computer can provide.
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12 Apr 2012Balamurali Balaji
How to use the Logic Inspector tool in Infopath Forms 2007.
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12 Apr 2012John Tunnicliffe
Using the Packaging API and Office Open XML to create Excel 2007 files on the server
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12 Apr 2012Pavan K Kulkarni
This article looks at all the options available and trades-off each of them for developing a Word add-in. It aims to help the developer choose the best option according to the requirements.
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12 Apr 2012Stephane Rodriguez.
Case studies why Microsoft Office XML formats are broken.
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12 Apr 2012nhgiang
Using network classes.
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12 Apr 2012Anup Shinde
This article is intended for network administrators and internet users. It shows how users can bypass the firewall to get access to the restricted internet sites. This article is just an overview and does not cover the technical details.
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12 Apr 2012Pascal Ganaye
I use a procedure based on batch files to copy various versions of my project. I was a bit fed up to wait for the batch file to copy hundreads of files and wrote this small utility to speed up the process. I hope some of you will find it useful.
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