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Comments by Roger Wright (Top 2 by date)

Roger Wright 23-Aug-14 17:21pm View    
No idiots guide required; you have access to all the idiots you'll ever need right here!:-)

You'll need an A/D converter for whatever resolution you need to convert the outputs of the eval board to digital form. If I recall correctly, the LM20 puts out something like 1 mVdc per degree C, with a full scale range of about 1 volt. A/D converters have come down in price, so you probably can pick up a 16 bit converter fairly cheap. Back in my day they cost about the same as a small sports car, but now they're dirt cheap.
Roger Wright 22-Aug-14 13:01pm View    
Yes, it's a Dell product now, but it's been around for a long time. I started using them about 1998, when there was no Dell and Micron reigned supreme in the PC world, and the SonicWall brand remains one of the best. They still haven't become easy to configure, though.