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Articles by Keshav Singh (Article: 1)

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25 Nov 2011   Updated: 25 Nov 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
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CDC is a new feature for logging DML changes. In this article, we will see how CDC could be put to use and how efficiently it could serve our purpose.

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Database Developer
India India
I am a Microsoft certified Technology Specialist in MS SQL Server 2008 and 2005.I have fair amount of experience and expertise in MS database development, administration and modeling and MS BI. Started my career in 2007 and primarily into MS databases, and later diversified into MS BI especially SSIS. I also have a little exposure in Oracle 10g while working on one of the migration projects. But MS SQL Server is my passion!

Firm believer in knowledge grows from sharing, I really like reading books, trying new features and sharing the little that I know. Unless we're willing to have a go, fail miserably, have another go, success won't happen. The best thing I have discovered about myself is the "never say die" attitude. The best comment I have ever received is when my manager at my first job said "when this guy works he throws away his watch".