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.NET 2.0


Great Reads

by Ilya Verbitskiy
This article describes how to provide full text search using Microsoft Indexing Service in .NET applications.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
The objective of this article (Part-1) is to introduce you with Microsoft Windows PowerShell.
by Joerg Brunke
Writing custom commands for the stsadm.exe administration tool in SharePoint.
by Omar Al Zabir
CPUAlert monitors CPU and Memory consumption of processes and alerts you when they are taking too much consistently and gives you an option to recycle or terminate

Latest Articles

by marcominas
A Windows Service that uses interface to work like the Linux Crontab service
by C. M. Stephan
Query an endpoint service via TCP and determine if it is available for connection, refusing connectivity, or filtered by a firewall.
by Ilya Verbitskiy
This article describes how to provide full text search using Microsoft Indexing Service in .NET applications.
by Pavan K Kulkarni
This article looks at all the options available and trades-off each of them for developing a Word add-in. It aims to help the developer choose the best option according to the requirements.

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