Going through the site, I found at RootAdmin Stuff[^] mentions of CodeProject, the images show RootAdmin but the description mention CodeProject, this might look like suspicious to some.
I went to this[^] this page and see a lot of mentions of CodeProject as if that is the site I'm on.
I know they're connected but is this meant to be?
Thanks. All fixed.
Chris Maunder
You have linked the two rep systems - RA and CP - but events on RA are coming up with references to totally unrelated items on CP, and vice versa. (Look in the rep events history, and you will see what I mean.) I suspect this could cause problems, particularly if events on RA start to affect items on CP...
Yep - they are now linked and I'll untangle that bit today.
Chris Maunder
You seem to have linked the two rep systems, but the rep counter in the top right is displaying "1" which looks a little odd...
Chrome Version 23.0.1271.97 if it matters.
I'm having the same problem. I have 9 points instead of 500+
(I'm running IE 9.0.8112.16421)
modified 24-Dec-12 14:47pm.
It looks fixed now for me.
Check out the favicon for QA: Heeeeeere's BOB!
WOW!!! good eyes. Maybe we should have a "Where's Bob Contest"
The account confirmation email I received doesn't appear to have been generated correctly.
Several variables were not properly replaced.
As such I can't use "http://[ConfirmURL]" to do so.
Hey, can you forward that email to me? vince@codeproject.com
Vince Yonemitsu wrote: vince [AT] codeproject [DOT] com
We have good spam filters.
I'm on every single spam list known to man, and I really don't get much spam at all.
Chris Maunder
I kind of enjoy getting spam... Where else would one get prescription drugs?
The 'Lounge' link on the right side of the homepage (Not the menu!) links back to 'www.rootadmin.com'. That might confuse some people.
EDIT: It seems several links on the sidebar have the same problem.
public class SysAdmin: Employee
public override void DoWork(IWorkItem item){
if (item.User.Type == UserType.NoLearn){
throw new NoIWillNotFixYourComputerException(new Luser(item.User), "STOP GIVING ME THE SAME ISSUE EVERY 30 SECONDS!!!");
modified 18-Jun-12 11:05am.
This happened during a site update. All good now.
Chris Maunder
Using search, when I click on an article link - I consistently get a 'page not found' error..... whazdat?
Articles are back.
Thanks for letting us know and sorry for that
When I attempt to post a question it returns "Internal error"
Also the cancel button dosen't seem to cancel.
No wonder there are no questions posted.
PS. how long has that section been there ?
I Havent seen it before. Or am I just cracking up ?
Was just added last night. The feeling was to have quick answers and the discusions merged into just the quick answers. We will look into it, I'm sure someone already is looking into why its not working...
I got the same error you got...
All fixed. Sorry about that.
Chris Maunder
Ok so I wasn't going crazy(er),
It is new.
Thanks Vince and Chris for all of your Good and Hard work.
The new section may pick up more questions.
on the RootAdmin / My Settings / Newsletter tab, Feedback checkbox still references CodeProject (or are these duplicates of the CP emails?). On the Public Profiles tab the Biography text description still references CodeProject.