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At work we have a local network with 15 or so PCs and a couple of network printers connected to a 24 port switch, thence connected to the outside world via a SonicWall firewall. Since the SonicWall includes several VPN licenses, and I often travel, I thought it would be a snap to construct a protected tunnel from my Win7 laptop to the SonicWall, effectively connecting me to the edge of the network and able to browse and use any of the local network resources.

I had our IT guy set it up for me for my last trip out of town, and I fired it up from my hotel room. All I could see in Windows Explorer was a single Shared folder - nothing else was visible. I checked with the IT guru today and he told me that I cold connect to anything I want to, so long as I know the IP address or network name, but that it's impossible to set up the VPN to support browsing and a Network Neighborhood-style view on the remote computer.

I don't think I believe that, but since I haven't worked on PCs and networks for a living in about 10 years, I haven't kept up with what MS has been doping to make life less convenient lately. Can someone familiar with using and configuring VPN connections confirm or deny that what I want to do is possible? Better yet, can someone tell me how to set it up? If it matters, we have wervers on the network, but we aren't configured as a domain and don't use Active Directory.

Thanks, as always!
ledtech3 22-Aug-14 5:24am    
It looks like it is a Dell product and there are several different models.

Just found this too.
Roger Wright 22-Aug-14 13:01pm    
Yes, it's a Dell product now, but it's been around for a long time. I started using them about 1998, when there was no Dell and Micron reigned supreme in the PC world, and the SonicWall brand remains one of the best. They still haven't become easy to configure, though.
ledtech3 22-Aug-14 18:55pm    
Neither has plain PC security.
I hope one of those Admin Guieds help.

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